
Probably because it has to be fully inspected and signed off before another flight, to comply with strict FAA regulations and I just pulled this out of my ass but wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

Seriously my drone was less then 1k and did better than that. Unfortunately, they'll judge all drones by these fuck ups and the fucktards that made them. They'll say, "We did extensive testing and drones just aren't safe." Dude, give me 45k and I'll make you a fleet of drones that will not only navigate by gps but

Crooked relative to what?

So, they essentially scanned a 3D object, sent the data into space, and recreated it there. I'd call that a successful teleport.

Where there is life, there are farts.

The shame in Spain falls mainly on their domain

You do not understand what Net Neutrality is. Or you're a robot spitting out random phrases. Either/or/both.

I didn't realize there were so many people that compared the possibility of alien life to religious theory... What other things do they believe? I came on here and was sort of blind sided. I was always under the impression that scientific thought on the subject was that because there is:

What kind of windows tablet do you have? I freaking love my WIndows 8.1 tablet (and I have 2 Android tablets as well). So much so that when I broke the screen on my Dell Venue 8 pro, I instantly sprung for the HP Stream 7.

That's the price of freedom!

It landed, took scientific readings and sent them back to Earth, that's a success in my book

Nah, it didn't fail. Yes, it did not live long, but it sent back information that it was supposed to, and that is what determines failure or success.

failure is a little harsh considering several experiments were completed successfully and data from those experiments is already being analyzed. But you could probably do better...

I'm going to give them a +1 for landing a man-made spacecraft on a ball of rock hurtling through space millions and millions of miles away.

I'd be a little concerned about taking any flights in the near future if I were you...

Sadly, as important as this is, most people won't know about it because of Kim Kardashian's ass.

I started using my old HTC one-v as a dashcam. Picked up a window mount and wired a power source. I purchased AutoGuard Blackbox from the play store and it works flawlessly. Automatically starts when the vehicle is started and stops when it's shut off. Lots of options to set it like you like it also.

I understand that lobbying is protected, but at what point does "company gives politician money, politician creates laws, often written by company, the directly benefit company" become bribery?