
If that is the worst mistake I make today - well then I’m ok with that.

Does NYC not put those huge yellow stickers on your window anymore? I moved away four years ago, but when I left, the punishment for alternate side violators wasn’t just a fine, they also slapped a day-glo yellow sign on your window with industrial adhesive that required an hour with a razor blade and a heat gun to

It’s childish to stand up for your ideals and cowardly to risk being fired in retaliation? Interesting read on the situation you’ve got there.

Especially given how often we’ve made use of them here in the US.

it doesnt matter if they arent contributing active tools to assist ICE. the fact that ICE is involved in human rights violations at all should mean microsoft should not do any business with them, no matter how small.

1. definitely never happened under Obama
2. seeking asylum isn’t a crime, to fix your idiotic excuse of an example: “ask a police officer for help, sign up for classes in a school zone and have your kids taken from you just for funsiez”

It’s incredibly sad that so many people the extermination camps during WWII are not the only concentration camps in history. Not surprising, but very sad.

“But Obama...”

This may shock you, but skilled Microsoft engineers would have ZERO difficulty in finding new employers.

Yeah that whole “Obama did it too” thing has been fact checked by several news agencies already and it turns out that it was bullshit like much of the things that come out of this administrations mouth.

Yeah those engineers will be just fine if they quit, there is a severe shortage of software, hardware and network engineers. So they will be able to find new work in two weeks or less.

“Childish, cowardly, and fucking dumb.”

Pretty sure Microsoft can take the $20m hit to not provide support to concentration camps for kids.

That *is* kinda what places like Red Lobster and Olive Garden do with those ‘unlimited’ shrimp and pasta deals. You get a lot upfront but the refills are tiny and take forever.

Yeah it is very easy. Just use GDax limit buy order post only and pay 0.00 in fees.

Are any more than 3 miles offshore? Sounds like a legitimate salvage opportunity to me.... ;)

I’m sorry, you don’t have your SDSCM certificate (Scuba Diving Systems Center Manager)

In the future for hiring IT guys, must be able to swim underwater will be a job requirement.

Sex is a normal part of life for many (most) people. There are some situations where it’s not an appropriate subject for discussion, sure. But to say that sex “should not be spoken about publicly” at all, IMHO, is extremely puritanical. It is not at all unreasonable to give sex advice on a site meant to give adults

Or you can cut open a non-lubricated condom (condoms with lubricant or spermicide will taste gross)