
I dunno, I personally enjoy the thought that this building and others like it are just big, gigantic middle fingers given to extremist assholes who would fly a plane into a building.

Am I the only one who hates video posts. With all the video clips, news, reviews, etc lately I feel like I'm encroaching on a "get off my lawn!" Part of my life... But I just want to read, not watch ;/ I don't want to listen to other people.

Can you just imagine being a fish and hanging out in the plane and the OHMYGODWHATISHAPPENINGTOMEHOLYSHITIAMGOINGTODIE oh cool more water.

True, but it's nice to see someone making something to improve our life rather than, you know, apps.

I wish we lived in a world where this was a pointless invention.

*kinda makes you wonder what will happen WHEN all countries are one

It's a great idea, but it will cost money, and we all know spending money on science and technology is evil satanic fascist socialism. The government needs that money to give subsidies to the most profitable corporations in human history.

As an IT guy, I'm totally loving that clean cabling job.

But the entire joke is predicated on jerking the audience.

I'm going to watch it based on this article alone. I like it when any math, science or otherwise anything that can just be bullshit, is actually accurate because someone took the time to either do homework, think it out, or not jerk their audience.

I love how people complain that Big Brother is watching us all and then they post criminal acts online that millions of people can see without any trouble. I mean, Big Brother is still watching us for sure. But, come on, make his job a little bit harder.

it's a new breed; along side Mavericks and... Weed.

$15million while the Apollo program cost... what, 2% of GDP?

Bose is way too mainstream to be Gizmodo acceptable. You have to suggest they purchase some German hipster brand (that no one has ever heard of, yet they all pretend that they have) before you can gain acceptance here. They would be total non-conformists if they purchased KugelSackHeimer. Only real audiophiles put

I don't mean to be a dick by reminding everyone of what the real world is like... But... Considering I'm working towards a dual J.D MBA from UC Berkeley I have to point out that this is NOT spectacular pay for what these guys do, nor their credentials. The Senior Director of Finance only makes 156k, which is in New

"Male bovine fecal matter, extruded on a longitudinal axis." I now have a new favorite way to tell someone how stupid their ideas are. Note: this is replacing "assfog", also learned from Gizmodo.

For those of you in the NY area- please visit the Liberty Science center and go see "Hubble" at the IMAX theater- I saw it this weekend and it is AMAZING. Literally had tears in my eyes watching the scene where the space shuttle takes off. Narrated by Leonardo Di Caprio..