
I did have a laugh at "Phone may attract/trap insects; this is normal." Reminds me of every Gameboy SP I ever owned. Dust mites would crawl behind the screen and die, leaving permanent dots on the screen.

This is a really early prototype. It's also using an e-ink/e-paper display, much like what the Kindle uses, hence why it's slow to update the screen. There's no reason the folding concept couldn't be done with an OLED display.

It's a prototype made by university students.. expecting it to perform at the same level as finished consumer models (or even prototypes produced by professional phone engineers) is a bit unreasonable.
As a proof of concept it has potential, but obviously there are issues that still need to be worked out before it

What a coincidence. I store burritos in my cheeks too.

Yeah. It looked really pretty, but I didn't see any way in which the animation would help "reveal how the number Pi looks."

Probably because his so-called "dithering" with "second grade science facts" is how one inspires young people to become, among other things, future biomed engineers.

The issue we've seen in our office is that powerpoint rendering in keynote is imperfect to say the least - we usually end up pdfing presentations for folks to review on their ipads at this point....

This. Is. Awesome.

"Ok, let's work on your execu-speak. I'm worried about blank".

Son of a bitch...

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

If an alien civilization with interstellar flight capability intercepts Voyager, my guess is that they will be able to decipher the disc and English language in a few minutes, if not seconds.

This was without a doubt one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. The commentary and idea is fucking brilliant. I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

For those who left their batteries at home.

Only a politician would think that they could make more daylight by changing the clocks.

How many more times are you going to post this same article twice a year?