
Lots of ads for this development are in the subways lately.

It looks like one can possibly register an entire account using an email, but like many sites/services these days, their site favors those who use FB and Twitter.

Oops, either facebook or twitter login credentials are required to buy the item. Lost sale, fella's.

by the way, is that effectively the level of the flight deck at the top, or will more height be added to the bow (above the bulb)?

thanks guys! i guess in a way it's not unlike the winglets on new aircraft - an addition that makes an already functional design a bit better/improved

Ive often thought the same thing. I'm guessing its just exposure. Because this is a military contract, you can be absolutely assured that they are buying new steel, the very most expensive that can be bought, and that doesnt include the premium I'm sure that also gets charged.

Does anyone know why big ships have those torpedo shaped bows? Ive always wondered that. Maybe ballast goes in there?

This is exactly what my one (fun!) experience looked like, I was in a well-fitting jumpsuit and my harness was very snug up against the chest of the JM just like in this photo. At no point did I ever feel "loose" are "about to fall." I sort of sat in his lap and we just leaned forward and rolled out of the plane,

I skydived once and it was truly an awesome (!!!) experience. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

TheRab, sadly that argument falls on deaf ears of folks like Ehrgeiz91 - these are the folks that make up evidence, or hide exculpatory evidence, in every effort to get guys convicted (even when they know proof positive that the guy is 100% innocent) solely to "get a guy." They could not care less about due process

um, due process?

I love the douches that wear the big ugly BT earpiece bugs on the NY subway...you know, where there is no cell signal? One can only laugh.

I kinda' used to think the same thing...

There are a few basic 'certainties' in life...

Same here, although with the legions of other websites/services that mandate FB credentials to login/use, increasing at a seemingly exponential rate, I will probably have to create a fake FB account before too long.

Facebook: The New Meth.

Well, I gotta hand it to the kid (honestly) - $19B net worth from little more substantively than pokes, cat videos, and photos of its inebriated members. Kudos!

Well, I guess now I don't feel badly that he was gullible (and stupid) enough to be totally suckered out of about 31% ownership of FB by Zuck and his minions a few years back lol.

lol dwarf, I call folks like that on the subway "spreaders." But read on...

At 5'8" I guess I have to "suck it." Of course, I've never been at all uncomfortable in a car or an aircraft seat, where I am easily able to stretch my legs out even if person in front of me has reclined. Also, tall folks seem inordinately annoyed when I recline back, but I guess they just have to "suck it."