
Given the minor weight of the phone, and the fact that much of the weight is supported by the bottom piece (despite the CoG issue), probably not much is happening to the connector at all.

The video above, sadly, is barely even an exageration.

I first sensed the FB addiction of many of its users when I was at a wedding last fall, the reception for which was held in a rather isolated (read: no cell signal at all) area. People started whispering at first, then overtly asking around if anyone had cell signal or if anyone knew of any computers on site connected

iOS is so easy and efficient to use, but yet there are still soooooooooooooo many things that are like "DUH" that they could do to make it exponentially much more efficient for the end user; i'm almost surprised that slide-to-unlock isnt 3 separate steps lol;

i've always heard it as MACK-a-fee (but that doesnt mean thats correct way lol)

exactly; since users cannot ever delete stuff they put on FB, or even delete their profile - privacy really is completely lost once you hit "enter" and upload anything to the site

in an effort not to be lazy...

seems like the big-magical-sky-faerie was upset with him about something! maybe he was a Bad Touch nun guy...

he's just channeling his inner michael jackson

cowboy, again I appreciate your view; however, I cannot think of any minority that remains **legally** discriminated against other than gays; in other words, there are no laws that say, for example, "only whites can do XYZ" or "only christian can do ABC;" if there are such laws, please point them out to me;

he gave some $$ to a newark school I believe ($100m?)

cowboyfan, I appreciate your viewpoint. Again, my point wasnt about gay rights. My point was that here the guy is so appalled at being called gay, when actually being gay has real life consequences. I never said all gays want to get married. I didnt say gays cant adopt. I didnt say gays are treated like animals.

pardon the phrase roughly accurate

so is it roughly accurate to say he currently owns about 67% of FB, he will sell about 10%, and remain with about 57%?

Thats what I was thinking. Shouldnt Zucks net worth (on paper) be about 57b based on valuation of 100b?

I hope he follows Gate's footsteps and continues to be philanthropic. I think he just might based on some initial gifts he's made.

had you read my entire post, you would have seen that i did not condone the BB employee's activities one bit

...and viruses on religious sites is Karma

have faith - the big magical sky faerie will keep your computer safe...because his IT guy is none other than the tech-savvy easter bunny

perhaps it is younger kids driving their parents' Priuses ? that makes sense actually