Would have been nice to know if this came up in the morning, since the closest participating comic store is an hour away.
You must be a blast at parties.
Has science gone too far!?
Might want to add that the money isn't even for the "game", it's for him to go buy a van to live in.
I already played this most of my life...
Thanks for the heads up. I thought the trailer looked nice but if someone like that can make it (I did some more digging, he really is a dickhead!) then in no way do I want to support his ideas or labour.
I heard about this:
I love Sex Criminals so much, I'm gonna take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant.
Agreed. But Dorkly's been doing this stuff for years now. They've gotten so good at it.
I laughed pretty hard at the Realistic video, but this one was pretty good. Definitely creative. That would make for one interesting game...
Maybe they will find the unreleased copy of swordquest airworld and the 3 treasures from the contest. The crown, philosophers stone, and the sword.
I'm really hoping that there's some heartwarming message like that at the end of this.
Wasn't Angry Video Game Nerd going to make a movie based on this premise?
Hah. Judging by the gif, I think I missed that episode. Boy, am I lucky!
You quit reading at 6 years old. Try harder.