DRM Cast

The latter. The former is a power fantasy for men, and the latter is a sexual fantasy for men.

I am loving this Megaman comic. The newer Archie one explores how Megaman copes with handling so much power and going against his initial programming. It's fantastic.

Same with House. It's like the same concept every episode.

Even if the rumors of always-online end up being false, next-gen is the perfect time to jump ship and head to PS4: Where there's no region-locks, where the online play is free, where all the basic features like Netflix Youtube, Internet Browsing are free, and your dashboard (shouldn't be) isn't covered in ads. The

A sign that Big Brother has won is when you start censoring yourself, instead of simply speaking your mind and stand the critics afterwards.

yup, can't sleep on those tunes. I especially love the remixes found on Mega Man Powered Up. Man, I wish they continued on to MM2-8 Powered Up style =(

Although MM2s music was awesome MM1 also had memorable tunes imo. I love each robot masters theme honestly

...Or a NARC.

Now playing

Posting a Family Guy clip will show how "hip" I still am!

If you didn't choose the bird then you're wrong.

With that Justin Bieber endorsement, this backback will sell millions.

YouTube comments read poorly enough as is but these dramatic interpretations of the comments (typographical errors and all) were pure gold. I really have to wonder sometimes what motivates people to post mindless drivel.

People of the shantytown are starving because the False Shepherd is eating everything in sight. He even eats potatoes found in toilet bowls O_O;

Leg hole is 10x too big for leg. Works for Ness but I can say from experience that it feels fuckin' awkward.

A tiny backpack for carrying all the things necessary for battling evil. You know, like a toothbrush, ruler, salt packet, ATM card, for-sale sign, etc.

I thought it said "DOING" for the longest time. Is that really any worse than "BOING"?

There is nothing to hate, "Mother," as a franchise, is perfection.

As much as I love Earthbound, I was never sold on the character designs. They just look meh to me.

Please for the love of whatever god you believe in, let this come to north america

Wow, that was, simply amazing.