DRM Cast

So... They added better lighting and newer textures?

Kotaku used to have one of the better comment communities out there...

Okeh, if this is Internet Explorer, what is Chrome?

Wait, so if Youtube video makers don't like what you may say, they can just block and delete your comments?

They have time to examine this, but they can't stop legitimate scams?


Heh, heh. No. Totally different.

They use science to detect ghosts?

Also, people act like you need to be some kind of 1337 SOPROz hacker to do this. Any dumb, angry kid with fifty bucks can buy a program for DDoS attacks. It's that easy.

So... People are just going to have to use cell phones like they usually do?

Hell, they used a free physics engine for the game. Nobody seems to note that. Guy who made it got a sweater in the mail, that's about it.

Well, compared to gameplay... Also, this article is from five months ago.

Wait, then right here, aren't you not taking your own advice?

Some. Fucking. People.

Wow, I really care about your opinion.

As much as I can appreciate an artsy game. I can't appreciate a boring game. Now, think of a game like Braid, it's kind of an artsy thing, the guy who made it is some kind of dumb hipster, but it's a fun game.

Okeh, so they assume we have friends?

Okay, for the sake of going against that kind of self censorship, would it be possible to mod the image back in?

Look, some of us like the satire, why self-censor your work because a few people complained about it?

I used to go by...