
Man, I’m surprised someone else remembered that thing.

And they will be, but do they have the capacity to do actual harm? I don’t believe so. They’re no different than the “I’ll roll coal and jack up my truck because I’m rebel and don’t care about your laws” rednecks. If they did this in a metropolitan area (or even a speed trap town), it’d be a different story, but

Until they commit an act of terror, they are not terrorists. Their actions should not cause fear in anyone, and letting them frighten and intimidate you is giving them power over you that they do not have.

I honestly don’t think he gives a shit. Walking on water is way more fun than checking in on a few billion vaginas.

It’s a strange dichotomy. I think decision making should also be equal. The current push is that men have no say in a pregnancy, while women are faulted for getting pregnant in the first place. In essence, women are being shamed while men are relegated to accept whatever fate awaits them. Neither side gets anything

You missed out on some prime BC years. Free shit is good shit (except hep C and STDs).

Jesus house upbringing probably tried to teach her women can only be successful as mothers.

In this instance, they absolutely are. To be a terrorist, you have to instill fear in people for their way of life or beliefs. These people are idiots because their actions instill absolutely no fear in anyone. Maybe the park rangers or the poor janitors that will have to clean up the inevitably clogged toilets, but

We need to band together and stop DDoS attacks. They can only be mitigated, but never stopped unless we identify the perpetrators.

Funds for the re-education camp for those programmer-cum-janitors.

It’s strange. Some downloads are surprisingly fast (like almost PC speeds), while others feel like 1998. Especially puzzling because the connection test results are consistent. On top of that, the time estimates are pretty off. I’ll see a 3hr download estimate and it finishes five minutes after I start another game or

What region are you in? I played Christmas morning and after dinner with no issues.

If you’ve upgraded your HDD or restored your console, it’s a clean wipe and you’ll have to reactivate your console as your primary.

Our regional grocery store stocks it in both 60/40 and 70/30 (and 80/20 sirloin), so it’s ready to use burger meat. We also have one of the best grocery store chains in the country, so maybe it’s not the norm.

PETA directly attack people while tree spikers target equipment that people are using. They’re caused more problems, and more directly, than rednecks in the woods that can’t even coherently convey their point, so why are you so intent on lending credence to these idiots? Calling them “terrorists” gives them more

They attack people. Tree spikers spike trees with the intent to harm, just as PETA throws paint at people walking on the street. Their actions affect people in more direct and harmful ways than some idiotic rednecks in the woods. Terrorism doesn’t require someone invade a government building. In fact, that would make

Even better, ScarJo biting into a doorknob doorknob.

This look of pure terror is delicious.

Speaking of that, I saw Henry Rollins’s spoken word tour, and all I could think about was him trying to tattoo a smiley face on Steve-O while driving offroad in a Hummer. Much excellent.