
Hey, what if I’m the racist uncle, not really but I did vote for Trump so I must hate everyone that’s not male and white, heck I even own a gun. I’m deplorable and loving it.

And still more reliable, more trusted, more productive, and likely less miseducated than any liberal.

There are seriously not enough stars for this advice.

Where is the outrage over at The Root?

Amy Schumer is not funny. Like, not at all. Also, did you go out of your way to find the most unflattering picture of her? If so, great work.

I very impressed how Tesla can over-the-air updates things that these cars should’ve had from day one, cutting edge features such forward-thinking and futuristic cars like a ‘97 Cadillac, ‘96 Mercedes, and ‘51 Buick dream car offered...


Wouldn’t the proposed changes to US immigration policy put it in line with the immigration policy of Canada, as far as using a points based sysyem?

Adult with money and credit here. My wife and I have one and I like it a lot. Long term reliability is higher than just about everything else in its segment. It’s small, quiet, comfortable, easy to park in crowded parking lots of Northern Virginia and has a lot of utility for the size. It’s also more upscale than

Vet or not, I don’t care. If he wants a 2.5t truck, fine. Park it someplace else and not in front of a house or in a yard. Park it someplace where it’s allowed. If that means he has to pay, so be it.   

 The US needs more Art History grads, so probably a good choice.

V-22 and engine losing power close to the ground. Again.

I’m more than a little wary of choosing between the war-mongering of the Trump administration and the war-mongering of the Obama and Clinton administrations. It seems like you and others are creating a dichotomy in which we must choose one or the other. If my impression is mistaken, then I look forward to more

What I don’t get about this commentary is the constant narrative the war with China will be bad and the U.S. shouldn’t antagonize them, but war with Russia will be good and the U.S. should defintely stand up to them because of Ukraine and the Baltics. How does that work? Both conflicts would be a disaster.

I am the most active Filipino Kinja user here, living in a city in the nation’s capital that is a usual drug haven. All these are true and happening. Also, I’m on mobile, so I can’t link lest this tab refreshes and I lose tge comment.

Most likey it was the wet sanding and prep dust that is on the seats. Some idiot had the windows down and radio on while working.

So, how much are these $900 cars going for again?

When women get the right to drive in Saudi, it will be because of arguments of practicality, plain and simple. These arguments of gender equality are not going to be what sways the decision makers in Saudi, it will be the argument that not allowing women to drive is just simply impractical. Most of the contemporary