
“Colorful Crossovers” - that morons buy

Summers also was in favor of repealing Glass-Steagal, so shows you where his mind is.

China’s military may be becoming more masculine, but you know what they don’t have?

LOL @ Mazda considering themselves a premium product.

Are you allowed to own this, ya know, being a white male and it being called Grand Ch****ee?

Everyone knows Brother N Laws has the best ribs in the state. And if you think its Way Crazy’s, well, my mother is a Baptist minister and she wouldn’t scrub her ASS with Way Crazy’s.

For decades, you auto journalists bitched and moaned and whined about ‘old fashioned’ column shifters and bench seats in domestics, so deal with it. You created this. Live with your mess.

I see Stellantis will be following in FIAT’s footsteps of pouring money into irrelevant trash brands no one cares about like Lancia.

The only people who buy these are people with subprime/nearprime credit and cannot qualify for a Honda but think they’re better than a Traverse.

Another chapter in the book of China is a 3rd World Country Dressing Up Like a First World Nation.

The Beetle and Z3 were not masculine enough, yet Tyrese shows up in an Earl Sheib/Pep Boy mashup of the car your alcoholic Virginia Slims-smoking cat-lady aunt drives because he her ex-finance bought it for her when she moved to Winter Haven?

Can FIAT just leave already? Even Italians don’t buy this junk anymore.

You cannot actually fit three normal sized people into a Mirage. Facts.

These are great choices for retired people - long warranties, prevalent service locations, modern safety features, and great fuel economy.

I sold one of those Beta Zagatos my former dealer owner bought about a year ago. What a steaming pile of dogshit. Ugly, slow, not even a modicum of joy to drive. If you want a shaky, jittery, unreliable rolling FWD shitshow convertible, just buy a Sebring. It’ll be cheaper, last longer, and won’t be as embarassing.

Illuminating the middle section is a $245 a la carte option.

Tesla fanbois are a special kind of ‘special.’

Whatever this horseshit is.

I would rather import any of those than another stupid fucking Skyline.

Investing in a real national grid = restarting earnest development of nuclear power.