
This was more real and prevalent than many of you would like to realize. Wholesalers used to buy higher-mileage fleet cars from here in Florida, clock them, replace high-wear items like brake and accelerator pedal pads, and make thousands reselling them up north as low-mileage Florida cars.

I see some have defended him by describing this as “accidental.” To them I say...

I’ve found Porsche people to be a special kind of special.

Here’s an FCA/MOPAR Decoder for you guys. I use it when confirming options before listing Wranglers...

Catcher in the Rye sucked ass. Pages and pages of angsty teenage bullshit.

Captiva Sport was only sold the fleets. They may have bought a very, very lightly-used one, but unless they ordered it from a dealer’s fleet department, they were second owners.

Are you on drugs? That thing looks like a TrailBlazer fucked a Chevy Spin. Its not bad, but very foreign and the current Blazer is fine. Sales figures back that up despite the weird whining of K15 fanbois whose last Blazer was a ‘96 S-10 4-door they bought from a county surplus auction and lost trying to float it

Its a shame that late-00s/early-10s Lincoln did a LOT of throwback heritage-inspired design motifs that were really just lost on both the general public and insipid auto typists.

The last emperor of China, Henry Pu Yi, drove one, and so did Zhou Enlai. In 1930, one of every six cars in Shanghai was an imported Buick. The Chinese remembered and consider Buicks as what we once did here - a prestigious car for the successful and upwardly-mobile who enjoyed luxury but didn’t want to flaunt wealth.

Sorry, but that second photo has my leering eyes focused squarely on the seductive rump of that ‘66 Toronado. Yowza.

Everyone has said this over the past twenty years, but demographics show they really don’t.

What if my gasoline-powered car identifies as electric?

$300/yr for a service that physically LIDAR-mapped expressways for accuracy.

E Scooters can fuck off. I hope everyone out there with a old, ratty truck or shitbox car will join me in solidarity and run over each and every one of these banal, worthless symbols of Millennial stupidity.

Severe culture appropriators. Oh Jesus Fucking Christ NOOOOOO!

Now playing

Isn’t this the guy who drooled all over himself in a sad, sad attempt at a retort to the President’s SOTU a few years ago?

Hmmm...15 year-old platform made from cobbled-together Mercedes parts or a brand-new Italian-engineered chassis?

Have you been on a cruise? Its a healthy mix of what you feel are MAGA trash and poor NY-Ricans and blacks.

Cruise ships are gross and most of the people that board them - unwashed huddled masses from the Bronx yearning to feast on heater-lamp burgers and take a shitty photo of a dolphin like its the Loch Ness Monster - are gross as well.

I’d rather listen to her for three hours than painfully watch Hillary whine about losing again.