
My girlfriend was a server for three years and I work in the used car industry, so I go the extra mile to ensure I’m never THAT guy...unless its to a dick manager. They oftentimes deserve it.

I’m okay with a cop unloading his gun into this guy’s empty skull.

I’m actually okay with a cop just unloading a clip into this guy’s head.

So, when one ventures outside of a dense urban core, you’re mincemeat for anything larger, heavier, and faster, like - say - a Tempo.

VW vans bring big money because of the kitsch factor. Anything else, especially Japanese, bring far, far less and sell to a small market of weirds.

...so no one but utility fleets buy it?

Prove it. Not you, of course; the seller.

Rough Black Book with miles and add for the MSPORT pkg is $57,925. $50-52k is fair price for one with Structural Damage, but a clean title.

1) Winning an eBay bid didn’t mean the dickhead will actually complete the transaction.

Wow. A Jaguar that can finally outrun its depreciation...

Lenders do make loans based on verifiable income. At least the smart lenders do. Lenders get burned in this equation, too, everytime someone dumb buys a 120k-mile 535i that blows up for lack of maintenance and then ‘gives it back’ to the bank.

Wrong. There is poor and there is choosing not to pay people. The latter leads to your 488 FICO and 28.9% APR.

It is regulated. You can’t regulate stupidity.

No one wants a LeSabre, but this is a case where LeSabre is the BEST answer.

Best part? He probably doesn’t even NEED a truck for work...

Working in the retail auto business, you see the other side, which includes bogues who take such poor care of these automobiles that don’t deserve to own cars in the first place, people who DEMAND a luxury car or expensive truck when a more reasonable choice exists, and people who somehow can’t make monthly payments,

Because the Focus RS is still a Focus like the Golf RS is still a Golf. This is a Buick, i.e. a real car, and also has a better warranty and God knows it rides better.

You wish to signal to the world at large how vastly unemployable you intend to be.

The happiest customers tend to be the ones I made a decent profit on.