
I didn’t call the NYT fake news; don’t put words in my mouth.

Prove Assad used gas like Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. It’s a canard to provoke war in the region and a disgusting one at that. As far as European ‘fears’ over a rising Russia...so what? Let them figure it out themselves. Decades of US technological and military assistance so they can keep relying on us to be

Celica ‘tard should face multiple criminal charges unless dead. If dead...good.

Amtrak’s version would require being paced by a Kiowa because it would have to stop and sideline for freight traffic ALL THE GODDAMN TIME.

I, for one, would be interested in seeing Lena Dunham live in the real world and hold down an actual job and try to behave like an actual person with responsibilities and not daddy’s money.

Russia doesn’t want to ‘annex Europe’ or whatever pipedream mythology you feel would justify continued hostilities.

I, for one, would welcome a US-Sino-Russian alliance. Can you image the sheer macroeconomics of that? The cooperation and prosperity to follow? What we could accomplish as a world with the formidable leadership and innovation of the United States, the vast resources of Russia, and the sheer population and

Assad has been protecting Jews, Christians, and moderate/secular Muslims in his country. Interesting, isn’t it?

Please give two examples of how Russia has been walking all over us.

I call BS on this video. This chowderhead doesn’t have a wife.

...and that’s why we’re drumming up Russia as the new Enemy Du Jour. But that isn’t coming to fruition under this administration, thank God.

I’ve got some aged units that represent the egregious excess of capitalism. Who wants to light them on fire?

Why WOULDN’T you collect a Corvette? There’s myriad different variants, they are great performers, affordable to own, and have a steady value curve.

If you’re a soldier in a volunteer army and you can’t get behind the idea of being patriotic...why are you in the army? Legit question.

This whole ‘medical debt’ worry. Just don’t pay it. Nobody in this country does anyway.

So - more accurately - NHTSA thinks the trade-off is worth it, not Trump.

I wager that if Salvador Dali died the owner of a small engine repair shop with 250 Lira and a battered Fiat Chroma to his name, no one would be wasting a dime on paternity claims.

I know this article applies to a finance contract dispute at a franchise dealer, but as the GM of a smaller independent dealership, I will say that - regardless of the problem - it’s always best to give the business a chance to make it right. Small used car dealers have a bad reputation from go and I understand that an

The GM stalk is the best multifunction switch period. Classic version - signals, cruise, wipers, and washer all in one.