
Great airline. Too bad about the all-Airbus fleet :(

Those lumps aren't representative of the US car market; those are just two $900 ACV sleds thrown up on eBay for ridiculous buy-it-nows by dealers. They're just nuts. You can leave my lot right now with a 2003 Forester 2.5X w/103k miles on a 1-owner FLORIDA-OWNED car for $4,995...

So, how much are these $900 cars going for again?

Was expecting to hear something like, "Forced to cut grass...of entire country...with no break or food or protection from wilderness" or "Forced to cut grass...from under running lawn mower."

Also, you can blame the death of Pontiac and a lot of other 'bailout' quandries and missteps on Steve Rattner, a meek 'man' who is a self-agrandizing waste of flesh.

The fact that we live in a market where one can purchase brand-new smart or Mitsubishi, but not a Pontiac or Oldsmobile is some sort of cosmic joke.

No more traffic calming, please. This is merely a public works ruse to have 'engineers' and laborers engage in busy work.

The wholesale market has always paid absurd prices for Corollas, Camries, Accords, and Civics. Blame high-demand in the Caribbean, Central America, and West Africa.

Not for nothing, but the noise of unrestricted exhausts and air horns from jacked-up F-250s should be a more dominant concern in Brooksville...

The current Hyundai Accent is a better-proportioned, more attractive CLA. So this isn't saying much...

The current Hyundai Accent is a better-proportioned, more attractive CLA. So this isn't saying much...

'Badge-Engineering' is a derisive and arbitrary term used to denote vehicles that share the same bodystyle and majority of exterior and interior appearance and similar if not duplicate drivetrains with only marque-specific trim providing visual differentiation in the same marketplace.

When did Buick 'rebody' an Equinox? Do you even know what they make?

The $21k 4cyl stripper Hertz rental Camry isn't an economy car? Ohkay.

Honestly, a Regal Diesel would really help set the Regal apart from the Verano to the average consumer. Great idea!

That's like saying the Lexus ES is a cheap economy car underneath.

Its not badge-engineering if they're not sold in the same marketplace; its more captive importing.

I don't understand all the confusion about the Encore's sales success. I really don't. Maybe its just my market area (West Central Florida), but the preliminary spec sheet told me this thing would outsell its own predictions by a serious margin.

Oh no. GM fails to pique the interest of yet another Craigslist by owner max price $2500 shopper.

Tampa sucks? You suck. Fuck off.