He honestly sounds like someone who has never been criticized before in his life. I’m sure he has, but he never got such harsh, explicit criticism that he can’t laugh off or see only the positive.
He honestly sounds like someone who has never been criticized before in his life. I’m sure he has, but he never got such harsh, explicit criticism that he can’t laugh off or see only the positive.
when people are talking that bad about you and ganging up on you, in a really gang-mentality. You go, ‘Alright, we get it. I heard you. You made me feel bad. So now what? Are you happy?
The biggest non-apologies are when you apologize for others’ feelings instead of taking ownership.
I bet he’s sorry. Sorry that his ratings have been sinking like a stone while both Colbert’s and Kimmel’s have steadily risen for the last two years. Sorry indeed.
I’m sorry if I made anyone mad.
Counterpoint: this is a great tactic. All he has to do is get a new phone if he’s so bothered by it. If that means he loses half a day of work on being Joseph Goebells reincarnate, that’s a worthy, moral outcome.
One is a crime against humanity. The other is a minor inconvenience to a piece of shit fascist perpetrating that crime.
Bullshit. They go low, we step on their throats until they leanr to act human.
technically its an incel phone
On the other side, adviser Stephen Miller is taking sadistic joy in seeing photos of crying children and triggering outrage among liberals and traditional conservatives.
Agreed, Buck. Alienation is a small price to pay to do the right thing. Not even family is worth supporting white supremacy.
K.A.K.: There are children’s facilities all around the country. Typically but not always, the youngest children are ideally going to be placed in transitional foster care, so they might be transferred to New York or Michigan or elsewhere along the border where there are families and, in some cases group homes,…
Thank you for spotlighting one of the heroes and elucidating a clear path of moving forward. This is so helpful. I feel immense gratitude for people working tirelessly for the children involved, and privileged to help them in any way I can.
Yep. Michael, don’t think for a minute you aren’t making a difference. I know you write to show and expose. But it does resonate. It has opened my eyes. Glad to be alienated and left out. Not going to quietly think it’s enough to sit and say nothing any longer.
And it’s not even Jeffrey. It’s *Jefferson.* As in Davis, whom I imagine he greatly admires. He can fuck right off. As can Laura “Seig Heil” Ingraham.
Needing to finesse your language so that you’re arguing semantics of whether you are or aren’t acting like the Nazis means that your policies are shit and that you’re a complete failure as a human being.
I also love adirondack chairs, but they are no good for dates. You want to lean in and be close. Those chairs are only good for leaning out by yourself. ETA: Especially dates where you called the paparazzi to take photos.
I don’t even dislike “No Tears Left To Cry”, but at the same time I don’t get the love for it. It definitely doesn’t get me excited the way most of her last album did. In any case, I’m in the minority - chart performance has been better than most of her last album’s singles, if that’s anything to go by.
4 actually, you forgot the white skin on her face and hands.
When you’re in active labor, a mariachi band could be playing and you would could have no recollection of it.