
Rich athletes doing charity work, giving game consoles to people who can already afford it and were willing to leave all their responsibilities to sit and wait for the store to open. Great job guys you just made the world a better place!

That just makes you a hypocrite because you do tout the Xbox One, frequently in threads pertaining to PlayStation 4, all the while disparaging the PS4.

It's funny that you're reflecting your fanboyism back at me as a defense mechanism. Typical, but funny all the same.

I have no issue with his "first impressions", but they are not a review. See Polygon's review or even Eric Limer's "First Impression" over on Gizmodo, for more in depth looks, both also specify this is a wait and see proposition at present and I have no issue with either.

Plug the PS4 into the Internet and you can expect a very different experience. It's ironic that the PS4 was the system that was never announced to require an online connection.

Fun fact: We're eating fish faster than they can breed. Ocean stocks are at all time lows, and getting lower. Every year there are less to catch, and thanks to increasing human population we catch more. The EU regularly employs environmentalists to provide guidelines for them about how many fish should be caught, and


*Clings to your leg in an awkward manner* Because, making it awkward..

i think is because most of new players come from a GTA-like games, when everything is easy, and u can do stuff here and there... they forgot the best games ever were made not to choose, but to show a great story... i speccially love old rpgs, ff9, ff7, grandia, chrono cross, trigger... games where the spot was to

"There is such a thing as being very sad. It's not called depression, it's called life."

I think self-referential humor is fine in and of itself, but the point you seem to be getting across is that it's overdone and that there needs to be exposure to more kinds of comedy in anime, and on that I agree with. I think the last anime that had me falling head over heals laughing was Full-Metal Panic Fumoffu,

Exactly, except for the fact that you can CHOOSE when you want to PvP.


Always loved PvE servers myself. I figure that if I want PvP, that's what Starcraft's for.

Loling at PVE servers given the state of WoW PVP + raiding would seem a bit odd.

Thank you for the lengthy and well written response. It cleared a lot up. I agree with you a lot. I can count on one hand the JRPG's of old that I am still willing to put time into. I am not ready to believe that the genre isn't for me anymore, though, as certain ones that I find really stand out completely steal all

Good point. Culturally, the world isn't so uptight puritanical.

They probably nerfed it for us dumb weterners. Before you save your game, you sould stock up on health items like beer. It ups your sporadic move set more so you can confuse the enemies with your sneak moves.