
My dad taught me how to play that Chess JRPG; it didn't even come with an instruction booklet! What a cheap-o company, right? It made me use this weird thing called strategic logic, and I was like wtf where is the QTE?! I was really scared, at first.

If Call of Duty has taught me anything it's that everyone betrays you. I bet the dog is gonna be the bad guy the whole time.

There are just so many JRPGs out there, several are released a month, so its nice to have a change sometimes. I went back to one of my old favorites, Dune II. Great JRPG.

Also, not related:

Oh my god... my sides! They're burning off!!! XDD

I can saya that this was another form of COIN ARCADE MACHINE ... you need to "insert coin" to play this game ... but with more personal twist as you played it in your own home

So, does turn-based translate to JRPG now? Excuse me while I go play this sweet JRPG called Uno now.

DianaStyles, thank you for sharing your lucidity.

Just WRPG. If it isn't made by a Japanese company staffed with Japanese people, there is nothing Japanese about it.

You do realize that it's impossible for a western company full of western staff to make a JRPG, right?

Yeah, Nyu Media has a flawless track record. Like outsourcing translations from a guy who stole work from a translator and refused to pay him for it. Then completely ignoring the translator when he contacted them directly. Oh, and they're selling the work for $8 a pop now.


Yeah, I'm not falling for it. Give it up. I was paying attention when your scientists said they could use the pokemon storage system to simply free all the pokemon without the owners consent.

Now, now, I'm not hating on indies. I can't, as I'm in the midst of using CryEngine 2 to build a video series that maybe one day....

The democratization is great. But this is still a retail game that got shuffled to a different developer for a sequel so the first studio could do something else. It is the exact

Thanks for the reply.

I see your point, but in my opinion, the mindless violence games don't bother me. In fact, I had a pretty bad run this past month. We had a 5 month old die, and I was having nightmares about it, and just couldn't get the image of (of all things) her vocals cords from when I intubated. It was

That is the cover for the original .hack//infection, how do you know dot hack but not this character, that's Aura! one of the leading figures in dot hack universe. She's at the center of the entire game franchise lol

Sorry got a little excited there.. But yeah

I think it's agiven the Bank will be cross compatible with many different games and apps. To me it seems like the whole point of the service, as well as keeping cheating Pokemon out of legit services.

Wait, wait... didn't someone in Nintendo say the reason Pokemon games were not yet in the e-Store was due to a lack of method to transfer pokemon between games?

So basically any company that supports games like this...

I simply cannot play games like this anymore. I used to enjoy survival horror, but I get way to tied up into it and I can't handle it. I have PTSD from my job, and games like this just fuck with me too much. I could read books of stuff like this, as Lovecraft has written some of my favorite stories, but i can't play