
Attack on Titan! :)

This was a fantastic scene.

muscle is sexy

I get it: the Kotaku crowd is into games only, not movies. Moving on.....

Seriously though, they dropped the ball by not naming it Wii 2. I remember the original ads for the Wii had the tagline "We would like to play" and they could have totally done sequel ads with "We, too, would like to play" with the idea that the Wii 2 is for every and any demographic.

The routine "this is sexist" debate aside, I find her beautiful. And not really because of the TnA shots, but rather because if her face - the combination of sensual full lips with the "no-nonsense" stare, the "I've got other sh*t to do" haircut and the cute wierd nose. This is not a pornstar face, nor a barbydoll

How did this warrant an article? It's quite clearly the facebook page itself changing to encompass the whole range of Nintendo products, much like playstation network joined with all the other networks into Sony Entertainment Network.

They're not changing the name, guys. It's just a Facebook name change to incorporate all their consoles.

Eurogamer reports Xbox One's discomfort with cross-platform play is the reason the game isn't deploying for that system

Diana, I've been reading your comments here for awhile now, and I registered this burner account just to say I'm in love with you. Your personality, that is - at least the part you let spill on Gawker.


- RedKarlow

"Hey, guys, How's it go—OHGODaODHFofhoFFBASfjaOFJAofN"


Epona 64


Neither. I no longer purchase video game consoles at launch. I rarely buy video games themselves at launch anymore, either.

Well, that's one fairly straightforward title. I hope the subtitle is What the Title Said.

None. The Wii U and PS3 will more than fulfill my console needs for the next six months. I'll get a PS4 either when Destiny comes out if it's good, or when FFXV or MGS5 are out, whichever is first!

All the feels