
Don't worry, I think there's definitely many who'll agree with you. Hell, my most anticipated PC games are mostly kickstarters featuring graphics that would've been common over a decade ago.

(Stupid annotation field didn't select his face like I wanted)

Sound interesting, if he can work in a loose plot/pretense for all this building in a decent length scenario, I'm down.

If I'm getting ripped off playing XI then it's made me the happiest customer ever, they can keep ripping me off if they want, I won't be complaining.

They have been offering compensation, that's why they continue to extend the free period.

Or you would rather have them bury the FF IP for good? Let me acquaint you with a principle, Murphy's Law a.k.a Shit happens. Sounds familiar?

So basically every game ever made.

What I meant to say was "when I used to play pirate games." I loved printing out covers for games like "Sid Meier's Pirates" and "Pirates of the Caribbean."

I'm not sure what the Squirtles are gaining from it, but sure, that's one way of putting it.

You stupid evolved prick!! WHAT DO YOU EVEN DO!?

Now playing

Hah that's cool. Well I'm listening to "Sins Of The Father" so I guess that's my way of celebrating ;)

Great technique, ignore the meaning/intent/substance of a comment and focus on one mistake/weird choice. Great stuff, really superb.

Except by the standards set by previous generations, it is 8th gen. Saying otherwise is just buying into marketing bullshit or don't understand what "generation" actually means. Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4 are 8th gen. Alongside things like OUYA, Nvidia Shield, SteamBox, and others. Graphics are not what determines a

If you're snarky, you might wonder if the people in charge of these accounts know what franchises are on what platforms. If you're not snarky, you might just think, hey, why not spread the love when it comes to great game franchises? Nothin' wrong here, even if it comes off as slightly weird.

there is online for 3ds, but you need a wiiu, a USB to ethernet adapter, and the capcom packet relay tool to connect to the wii u servers. it's near impossible to find MH players in my area.

I just beat MMX, I don't think it would have been as easy without you telling me about the sub tanks...I can't believe I never knew about them playing through X2. Funny enough, with that knowledge I finally beat X2 as well. X2 was still a huge pain in the ass though. X was smooth sailing up until Sigma's 3rd stage.

Yeah, and he'd be wrong if that was his logic. Wind Waker does have an overworld.

Good Lord, I LOVE Suikoden II. When will they release it in a downloadable format? Preferably, something portable too.

While you write what would appears to be a well thought out argument, I am forced to call bullshit on the entirety of your comment.

Oh no, a writer that only really cares about the writing. How horrible.