You're in for a treat: check this guy's channel.
You're in for a treat: check this guy's channel.
And we're one step closer to The Diamond Age
An now I'm playing it on the Nvidia Shield O.o
I'm also impressed of the facial expressions. Mass Effect have nothing on HL2
Oh...you're right - I didn't check the small ones. Thanks!!
So, if I'm correct, the bowl, stem, battery, charger, atomizer & juice all sell separately?
It seems they're out of stock :(
Whoa... and I mean it.
I'm quite sure everyone cleaned their deskspaces before taking a picture, hehe. I'll post mine when I do the same.
What!? Duct tape didn't work!? OUTRAGEOUS
Also works for Stratovarius tribute...
Also here. The expression on the mask is quite similar, but the Stargate armor/masks had a bluish-steeled tint.
I love that soundtrack...aaaand I want to try that. DAMN IT! I should be writing my thesis.
Also, a-la-Facebook/Instagram: "Your genes remain yours, but we have the license to derive profits from them"
Oddly, I was actually keen on writing a short story of the above plot. Oh, well...back to my cell.