
Bennett went on to say that he enjoyed his time in Cleveland and thinks it's a beautiful city.

And you're implying that I want a white mayor and that I'm some carpetbagger who just got to DC. I was born and raised there, inside the city limits. As far as Marion Barry, the fact that racists don't like him doesn't preclude the fact that there are dozens of legitimate reasons to label him the worst mayor DC has

No, they don't.

I once went on a date with a guy who stiffed a waitress on her tip and I never spoke to him again. Please explain to me how someone marries and has children with someone willing to throw a chicken at another human being who is waiting on them? Also, the manager from that story was a huge asshat.

I couldn't handle capers either until I was introduced to baby capers. They are softer and not quite as strongly flavoured, so you don't get that awful crunch when you bite down on one, but a teaspoon slightly mushed goes beautifully in a dressing.

I feel like the anchovies might be a bit of umami overkill albeit a delicious one. They probably wouldn't necessarily substitute for what the capers are doing though. The point of the capers is to add acidity and brightness, so if you omit them, add a bit more lemon or a splash of sherry vinegar.

Well, the "control group" were participants who were not in a relationship as a result of poaching.

Now playing


You're both wrong. A scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me.

I... what?

I wish there were a word to describe food that's non-industrial, small-batch, and generally made with care and attention by a human person, but without the twee, vomitous affectation that artisanal has. Because I am, by and large, a fan of a****anal food. Lots of it is good and interesting and worth putting in your

I very much enjoy coffee that tastes more-than-vaguely of rum.

Two low-arced threes goin craaazy

Having lived exactly that: not like this.

perhaps. . . but it's impossible and it's a strategy that has LONG since outlived its ability to mean anything as literally EVERYONE on the planet now knows that it is impossible to remove the researcher from the research. Further, it seems to somehow insinuate that the academy itself is value neutral. Again

Why exactly is ongoing collective action protesting a cop murdering something and examples of the reactionary attitudes that encourage that type of behaviour a less important news story than a fucking baseball game? GOOD SENSE OF PERSPECTIVE, SHITPILE!

And you get to feel superior and write a comment about Deadspin dissing the Cardinals and their fans. So you win, too!

She is alleging rape.

When a person regrets drunken, regretted sex, they go "oh man, I really regret that I consented to that."

When a person is raped, they talk about fear and shame, confusing feelings, difficulty reconciling the situation, etc.

Print that on a card for yourself for future reference.

And here we are complaining about the NFL's system of punishing its athletes. This idiot would have been suspended for eighteen games for doing something this heinous.