
It's not that I only want one side seared, it's that I want the extra-crispy texture without overcooking the scallop. I'm afraid that if I cook it hard on one side and regular on the the other side, that I'll overcook it all the way through.

I think we're largely in agreement. La Leche is fucking terrible and they should go the fuck away. Anyone participating in "browbeating, unceasing nastiness" is an asshole and does deserve to get called out for it. Where I differ from you (I think) is the following:

I tried the extra-sear-on-one-side gambit using ghee in a cast iron pan with the heat on the high side of medium-high. There was a trade-off, as the other poster mentioned there might be: I did get that extra crispy texture I was looking for, but that side of the scallop was a little bit tough (though still very

I completely agree that giving someone shit for bottle-feeding in public is wholly unacceptable.

I realize that not every woman can breastfeed, and I can empathize with the frustration that can come of this. In my first post I acknowledged that certain advocates have deplorable public proselytizing methods. Where I'm concerned is that women be allowed to breastfeed in public without harassment if that is their

Me: We don't serve spaghetti.

First: what is a winger? I can't find reference to anything other than hockey, soccer, or the hair band. Second: people who complain about the PC police or PC-ness in general are almost always the same motherfuckers that are mad that they can't get away with saying the n-word or being outwardly misogynistic outside

I'd say that the concerns of feminists and breastfeeding supporters have historically been dismissed as bitchy and shrill. I'm not saying that we all have to remove the word "bitchy" from our lexicons, but it seems pretty tone-deaf to include groups in this tournament that have actually been harmed by the stigma.

Alright brah, rock on. I get that certain breastfeeding advocates can be pretty shrill about it, and I addressed this. I'm just saying they have legit conclusive research behind their agenda, unlike the pseudoscience behind the paleo diet and anti-vax movement. I'm writing this as a childless man who works in the

Great.. Someone forward this to Paolo Bacigalupi and maybe he'll be convinced to finally write another adult Sci-Fi novel.

What are your thoughts on searing only one side of the scallop, and giving that side a little extra sear? I feel like I've seen this before, and it sounds like it'd be dope. But I'd be hesitant to try to walk the line between pleasant added crispness and unpleasant leathery texture throughout. Seems like a degree of

I liked Teleportation Accident a lot as well. I read the physical book and listened to the audiobook. The reader of the audiobook (John Lee) did a fantastic job of bringing forth Loeser's persona. "Willful ennui" maybe?


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Ice-T worked with Kool Keith at one point (on the Analog Brothers album). I'd think a D&D reading wouldn't phase him after that experience.

For some reason, I laughed my ass off when she was walking out of the restaurant carrying the rocking chair. I don't know why that was so funny to me.. it was something about the expression on her face.

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The Kenneth Calhoun book sounds interesting, but he really should have been more careful in coming up with its name. Guess he's not afraid of getting bucked down.

Lemon? Cooler? Cookies? Why don't I know about this? Lemon desserts in general are the best goddamn things, I swear.

How about sidecar balls? (Cognac + GM or Cointreau, maybe some lemon zest instead of actual lemon juice. Maybe some orange zest too for the hell of it?) No special occasion is necessary because sidecars are awesome.

Also, I really want to try making the original recipe with a chocolate filling, but that may be more

Whoops. I guess a lot of people must make the same mistake, because I got all sorts of hits when I google-imaged the misspelling. And I just now found out he died a couple years ago.