La Bouffe?
La Bouffe?
I'm sorry I just think rising water levels is a very intersting thing, it's like people that think Tsunamis are cool
is it wrong that I love flooding, it's just so cool! Unless your property was damaged but still when else are you gonna use your wave runner in North Dakota. I was once in a flash flood in New Orleans that had water 4 ft high, I remember this nice M3 E30 was completely covered in water, twas a good day
it was in Maximum Overdrive baby
wow, that is the coolest list so far!
you need to comment more enzo brozilla, I'd like to see your perspective
inflatable hot tub SO MUCH WIN!!!!
I'd Wert that
yeah I have to confirm what AntiCat is thnking, you owned an Amphicar?
I feel you, that is one of the coolest RX7s and there are alot
glad someone else appreciates the Millens as much as I do
Oh Rod Millen, you are my Steve Mcqueen but about 1000x cooler
you win
you should do stand up comedy or have a tv show, seriously your talent is going to waste if you don't start making munnyz off your lulz
and they were all from Florida
I ride my bike around Santa Cruz which is a super touristy area with lots of traffic and without use of the motor I'm still faster than all the cars. So a big wheel in NYC seems appropriate, nevertheless if you have to go anywhere less than 5 miles in a city why don't you just get a bike even though you could drive a…
dude I don't know why I posted that video and that comment but I guess after years of looking for loopholes for getting a skyline I'm just like "F it" of course I really could get one if I absolutely wanted and had the money but maybe that's why you posted "can't DRIVE a Skyline" nevertheless I'm still watching…
thank you for that good sir
yeah I know, bird is the word