

lol at your LCD Soundsystem reference, it's a shame they are no more

Teslas factory is very close to where I live and I've been around there quite a few times, never seen a Tesla over there in fact I've only seen one in the Silicon Valley which means they are all hiding from me or even tech lovers think it's crap. Especially when a new 911 is the benchmark for who's riding the wave

I take Caltrain and the Bart to baseball games but I've never used them to go to a football game, maybe it's true

I like the GTO and the G8, so yeah I'm a litle serious but really these douche bags deserved it

come on bro, if it was a corvette or a replicobra I would just be "meh" but a GTO that's just upsetting

I would Wert that all night long and be happy to grow old and Wert her for the rest of my life

it was as boring as a Kia commercial so no one seems to be slipping

are you guys all drunk and trolling? nevertheless AWESOME and keep it up Senior Werto

@stuffelse: you know sometimes people post videos a good sounding car but I'm usually like Meh! this car truly put a smile on my face listening to those squirrels! the blowoff chatter is godly

There are so many great Pre-War "One Off Cars" but I figure I'd post the Three that come up in my hard drive the fastest

obligatory Delahaye post

I don't think I'm the only Jalop that has thought of this car

I wish they broadened "those U.S. import rules..."

looks like a kit car, that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, in fact it's extremely sexy but it has that look where you might be able to obtain one (never gonna happen) as a middle class man

this statue would look splendid on the veranda at Castle Wert If I may cordially say so thyself, I heard it's a replica of the Pleabian hunter of yesteryear

wait just a minute ago it was $70,000 and now its 50k, geez the stock markets been a dirty boy today! but really it's no surprise it cost that much

@True-Blue: she looks alot better in this picture than in her picture on the grid

The car I'll be driving in a couple years, this baby which will be 2 tone black with purple following the hood to the tail. I'd drive alot of cars in hot pink because I like cars duh! But I wouldn't drive anything regular like that but the list would just be too long.