
Update: The AJC reports that Cobb County would be responsible for $450 million in financing, with the team kicking in $200 million.

Wrigley is a dump and is need of a major renovation. Fenway is the model for what Wrigley should do. Over the last 10 years, Red Sox ownership has invested $285MM in renovations: adding premium seats, expanding and upgrading concourses and concessions, adding new bathrooms, and wiring in new screens and TVs. The

Incognito is a classic bully and he depends on the so-called sanctity of the NFL locker room, just like a bully at school tries to use different ways to keep his victim from coming forward or a bully at home tries to use different ways to keep his target from coming forward. Ley is 100% correct that Incognito sounds

The media has covered that extensively, you mind-numbingly ignorant Tea Party trailer-trash.

All that was missing from that "interview" was pictures of Martin putting dogs in rape stands for Mike Vick

Actually, there is:

What I would give to have been a fly on the wall when the Genius at the Apple store showed Richie how to change the names of his contacts.

Oh, and that whole "half-nigger" business? Glossed right the fuck over

"I really just don't see why I'm the one being accused of bullying here," Incognito pleaded. "I mean, HE was the one who refused to stop hitting himself."

and three consecutive words spelled correctly.

I just find it hard to believe that the locker rooms of contending teams like the Broncos, Patriots, Packers, or Seahawks would condone this type of treatment against one of their players. Teasing and even hazing is one thing, but these Dolphins players clearly crossed the line on several occasions and the fact that

This is the problem. It's not about what YOU think or if it's that big a deal in your opinion. What matters is the fact that the bullying was enough to literally have a grown man leave his place of work because he became so depressed/anxiety ridden. It's not how YOU would handle it, it's about how it made Martin feel.

Any player who is hazed like this can sue the living shit out of the team he's playing for through federal law. This kind of shit is illegal as hell. I am hoping a player, maybe Martin, will open up a can of whoopass on the NFL big time. The federales would love nothing more than to crash the NFL's party of workplace

Because I'm tired of having this conversation on Facebook:

I'm so sick of this mentality where just because it's done all the time in every locker room that suddenly its ok. Every other workplace in America has rules and policies that govern harassment because in the adult world it's not ok. The NFLPA should really start treating these punks like adults and good for the

I mean who hasn't left voice mails threatening to rape a coworkers sister and yell racial slurs at them?

Hmm, my number one takeaway from watching Hard Knocks was that Richie Incognito is a terrible person. Seriously.

Good evening Mr. Incognito!
You're son is an asshole, btw.

Golic has been a massive asshole throughout this. The most insufferable of the insufferable.

"toughen up pussy or I'll rape your sister" -seems reasonable enough...