
Oh, the night before Christmas Eve. Eve of Christmas Eve? Anyways. Can I blame Anna Karenina? I saw that the night before, alone (which is fine, I love seeing movies alone). But it caused me to pick a huge fight a day later. And I really hit below the belt (it was stupid and I was a dramatic bitch, I admit it).

Wait. what? I ran over to this thread just to interject my alive but heartbroken-ness. What's going on in the world?

Eh, at the end of the series, she was technically with Big, though on her own. Thanks to the movies, though? No doubt.

Wait, no Ripert? You bastard!

Sorry to have been absent. Had a terrible fight with MDtB. So now I am Miss DtB. :(

Thanks - I was being lazy :)

OMG. You must go. That is an order. It is a lovely place. I had some wonderful dates there.

Also, unrelated: Who is your favorite chef?

I don't know, I hate to sound all Jez (god, I hate that site) but I do wonder, is "bitch" something that really terrible to say? I mean, I call women bitches, twats and cunts all the time, so my perspective is likely skewed.

Ugh. I am so jealous of you. Is the Webster Wine Bar still there?

Ha.... You are endearing :)

Well you are a reasonable person and I will take your recommendation into account...

Where are you (geographically) in school, if I may ask? I know this is a public forum, so don't worry about preferring not to reply.

Uh, maybe if you bought the DVD sets and watched the interviews you would know the answer to your question.

Also, yes, dinner in Boston is on us :)

Oooof.... yes..., that's me. I am a good wingwoman, but I think that's mostly attributable to my Larry David-like mean streak of cutting others down, which guys seems amazed by. The shitty side of the CH thing is the difficulty of exercise. I would love to run but... for a second, imagine yourself running with two

Hey, I appreciate your feedback. I might not be salvageable, but I'm open to it.

Fair enough, Bronze. I appreciate the feedback but I do hope you don't mind the occasional brain fart on my end now and then. Mr. DTB, whenever I mention reality television indulgences like Project Runway, gets all, "I'm not gay!" and I'm like, yeah, I know.... but I can't always be the brainiac. Sometimes my brain