
Now I see why we’re seeing so many denim promotions...

You're awesome. But no Usual Suspects line up? How could they not include that?

It must be nice getting to watch supercross on tv...................

The rules on hitting a guy when he’s a runner vs when he’s defenseless are kinda weird. I guess you’re allowed to light up a runner like that for god knows what reason, where you can't do dick to a defenseless receiver. Probably called correctly according to the faulty ass rules.

This was, by far, the Bengaliest way to lose a game.

A wench with a wrench beats a mensch on a bench any day!


Nah. Build twin-turbo V6 engines for Indycar instead.

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

See where you’re at in ten or fifteen more years. This isn’t about statistics or anything reasonable. This is about power, and making people who do things that progressives disapprove of (like cars, guns, religion, etc.) give up their culture for the sake of ‘progress’. It’s the proverbial ‘boot on your neck forever’

Except your classic cars will be banned and you’ll be demagogued as climate terrorist for even thinking about owning one.

two classes of thinking

two classes of thinking

Now playing

I ran this race with Tyler - it was great! My favorite part was the signs spread around the course that said ‘Three-wheeled Commies Go This Way’

Imagine how it looks to someone from a country that had a similar event a month ago and had no one showing solidarity for them. It serves nothing but to serve as a reminder that the west doesn’t consider them real people worthy of even a moment of remembrance. Also, way to gloss over what is essentially

John Wick and Mad Max agree.

“Why? Why would anyone do this? Let alone repeatedly”

If you work at a library long enough nothing shocks you and questions like this stop being asked.

Tell that to my wife,the proud owner of a current Escape which has been recalled 15 times,fixed unsuccessfully 4 times for the same thing,damaged by Ford towing,and on and on.

Hey DUMBY, the mine infrastructure is gone because the AF bombed it. If the ore deposits are indeed large, the acreage is worth a significant amount. Hard telling. But this family has been harassed for years and at least one family member died of cancer, I’d hardly call them “scum” for expecting fair compensation.

You’ll find Tyler is the best writer they have on staff.