
hey BooBoo,

Probably the exit check-point from a remote worksite (given Mongolia, most likely a mine) driving company vehicles, which is why they don't give two shits about them.

These are likely many Western drivers. Look at all the big rigs in the background passing by a highway. This looks like the check point entry (but more likely exit) from a remote work-site (most likely a mine). That would likely explain why so many vehicles are similar to each other (company owned).

My Dad always told me it was for winter driving purposes. For times where you were stuck in the snow and needed to rock your way out they kindly put R and 1st side by each for you.

I love it. Sort of like the car version of "every man puts his pants on one leg at a time".

But it does have 4 doors.

A cube shaped car is called Cube. Seems legit to me.

Basically the bike (not you) leans too far over. Real racers look like they are hanging off the bike; because with their bodies low and in, they can keep the wheels more vertical and thus, still have grip.

Oh look, we've got ourselves an expert here.

I really felt for the one guy who low sided and just slid harmlessly on his bum bum watching his bike cartwheel and self destruct itself right on front of him.

If you drive on, maybe you don't need to pay for repairs to the armco if they don't catch you on the way out :P

I think the upward slop caused a lot of crashes by causing the suspension to compress and lowering the amount of clearance. Once the frame hits, you are in deep doodo unless you're a real pro.

Feminism is a bad word because it implies men don't have a role. It isn't inclusive.

Great rip.

Seriously! I HATE the IIHF. Assuming you mean the International Ice Hockey Federation. Because they are the worst.

Oh man.

My implication here, is that Citroen owners are strange.

Of course he is a Citroen owner!

I think you are referring to Calabogie near (ish) Ottawa.

Yeah I feel the same way. He went into full panic mode sooner than what I think the courts will find reasonable.