
That was only after he committed a hit and run. I don't condone that shit anymore than you do but the OP was talking about stopping for the original incident when he hit the brake checker.

He ran over a guy. That deserves punishment.

Not if I miss meeting my clients' in Toronto because the seat I reserved was not fricken reserved.

This is in regards to the seats and meal only.

I grew up going to car show with my old man's 58 Impala. I always loved a good flame custom paint job. Do you think it's going away or does it just not fit on the lines of modern cars?

I love to hear it there was a car design so ugly you said no! great question.

The seating experience in Air Canada is great. It's everything else about the experience that is terrible. Overbooking flights by 10% as a matter of course is one example. It has gotten so bad that there is a "passenger bill of rights" going through parliament because of it.

I used to have a couple of die cast cars with similar paint. They were fun for years.

I am Ok with a paid vacation. Getting in on some vandalism could go a long way towards building your cover. Still completely mistified as to why the NYPD basically advertised this ride was chock full of undercover cops infiltrating biker gangs and blew all their covers.

I disagree.

930 bad.

But then you will feel like a chump when your neighbor who did haggle pays less than you. Therefore, haggling is not an option if you want to pay a fair price. Buying online would give you a fair price without haggling.

The problem with those test drive events is that they are limited time only. What if you wrecked your car and need a replacement. You need a test drive right then and there because you are making a purchase before the end of the week.

Exactly my point NYSS. I don't want to negotiate the price. It takes up a lot of time, mental energy and I do not enjoy it. I would love to be able to just buy at a set rate anywhere in the country (plus perhaps a shipping premium) and be comforted that I'm not being over charged.


True, but it is doing poorly compared to other movies in theatres. The people who do pay movie theatre prices aren't choosing Rush to spend their money on.

I was visiting New York about 2 years ago and it was all over the radio advertising the "brand new" law. So it is still relatively new there. It is the law in Ontario as well, have not seen any signs about it like you mention.

I felt bad for laughing at this.

Yep, like my father in law getting a speeding ticket for 1 mph over.

My rc car uses lithium polymer batteries. I have seen lipo fires due to intense cartwheels on rc airplane crashes. They smoke and stink and burn forever if you don't puncture the pack, but it is not super intense right away. People have time to rip the battery out and throw it down.