
Only if his bro's buy a sidecar for him to ride in.

You can get that $10,000 back as "foreign taxes withheld" -I can give you the deets if you never bothered.


He had already performed a hit and run when the guy came to door and tried to open it (at that point his best option was to GTFO, he already borked himself). The hit and run comes in when he hit the biker in front of him trying to get him to slow down. If he stopped, put his 4 ways on and called the cops, the rest of


My wife dragged me to see it because she had a fangirl crush on Chris Hemsworth. "It's about F1" was her argument to go see it. She loved it and knows very little about racing. Regular folks can definitely enjoy this movie.

I agree with you completely about the rider being an idiot, but it is obvious they wanted him to slow down so they could ride in a bike only pack, not have a giant SUV in the middle of it.

I agree with you completely about the rider being an idiot, but it is obvious they wanted him to slow down so they could ride in a bike only pack, not have a giant SUV in the middle of it.

So you would pull two hit and runs because a pack of bikers were holding you up 5 minutes in your travels.

In addition to the above, your suspension will drop something ridiculous like three feet down to find traction, so you can do some Baja Buggy style light off roading with it. It is an amazing boon mobile on the back roads.

While I avoid Made in China when feasible, I don't have a total boycott on it. I'm not that dedicated.

Is it prejudice if I think the Chinese government is corrupt and evil and do not want to support them based on past actions?

Well, if you don't like Ovals then there is no fixing NASCAR for you.

Don't under-estimate status.

Makes you think a little about somewhere where getting hit by a car seems like a viable way of making a living.

I meant war on terror / idiot

My friend on the ground in the first half of the Afgan war on drugs (for the Canadians) says that when the air support came in from the US and the Brits the fire, the heat and the noise from those things were unbelievable. Everybody talks about that gun, but those rockets are shit kickers.

Downside #4

Yes it is. The other vehicle had the right of way and you did not yield it. End of discussion as far as the cops are concerned.

I don't know if Aspen is small enough for everyone to know each other, but I have seen pretty petty tickets written by a cop.