
I wouldn't judge this guy an arsehole just yet. It could very well be that cops are targeting supercars "be cuz we dun want eny fancy rokket carz in our townz".

The windows alone surely cost more than the glasses.

Rally cross with the big three included sounds interesting. Where can I watch it?

Dude, red light camera's decrease safety. They are a revenue generation tool at the expense of safety. Longer yellows increase safety. Red light camera's increase the amount of rear enders at intersections as some drivers will now SLAM on the brakes at the faintest hint of a yellow, while the driver behind carries

You use it this magnificent trailer to play "fishing" with your friends.

Great suggestion.

Not sure how I feel about this.

Edit: My Honda did not come standard with a passenger side mirror. I would rank that as also required.

It was good enough for my Dad, and it is good enough for me. The only options I need are:

The best PSA drag race scene was from Back to the Future 3, where Michael J Fox bails out of a drag race due to traffic concerns so he doesn't hurt any regular people.

I'm not sure of the car, but all I remember about Thelma in Louise is that they go over the cliff holding hands in a convertible. That shot where they soar over is one hell of a moment.

The Blues Brothers, the scene where they are getting ready to start the big chase into Chicago. Just them two sitting in the car chatting.

And thus Jalops were born across the globe, completely on accident by a couple of SNL'ers with foul mouths and bad attitudes.

The Blues Brothers is my favourite movie, it was the first movie with "bad language" I wasn't sent into the kitchen with the ladies for and every Easter after dinner all the guys would go downstairs and watch a movie - and once we saw this, it was always this movie.

Canada has this too. The entrance to my sub-division has a Ford dealer and across the street a body shop that specializes in this. And you always see dirty trucks driving around town, but I am in the north so it's to be expected.

High-dy High-dy High-dy High-dy High-dy High-dy High-dy ho

Absolutely. There is something to be said about tradition, and this one has a great story to go along with it.

How is that possible? Diesel gas dispenser nozzles are larger than gasoline nozzles and will not fit into your gas tank, or is that just a Canadian thing?

It is likely in Canadian dollars as The National Post is a Canadian paper.

I see your point, but the Flex is way more money than a 240 was. It is the same type of automobile -agreed, but when I walked over to the lot to take a look at the prices (I can see the local Ford dealer out of my window) I was floored at how much they want for a Flex.