
If you are willing to move to Northern Alberta, Canada, with their -40 degrees centigrade winters the employer might even help pay some of your costs on a work Visa.

Came to say this.

The Juke is beautiful.

Yeah, flew both and they bent over backwards for me.

I still have bit marks on my shin from my days as a paper boy. She must be quite the fan.

This was a great idea, I loved this article.

I give them credit for at least giving a shit and writing the letter instead of just whining and doing nothing about it.

It is catchy, I like it.

The 2014 Corolla: Hooligan edition

I would check out something recommended by rcmania in his age group more in the style of toy recommended by tek_nic.

the Jang's youtube channels should be a great source. He has a main channel for hobby grades, but also consider toy grade via rcmania his other channel.

That is the most disappointing thing ever. I was hoping to watch ForSportsLive for my daily dose of Jay and Dan. How long can Speed last in Canada if it is no longer airing in the States?

Woah what happened there?

Honda motorcycles is starting to bring the heat once again with a great lineup. If this is a company wide vision, we are in for a treat.

It's not even stoner math. The only way I can ever figure out how much of something I am buying at the grocery store is by doing the metric to SAE conversion in my head, and the worlds best reminder trick is that there is a Big Block Chevy worth of grams in every pound. 454 baby.

It depends on your location.

Guillermo Evil haha

1984 is the shit year isn't it? Considerably cheaper used than 83 and 85 for a reason. I forget why we were discussing ths, but the Corvette guys were talking about the difference in pricing for that year and why.

You just can't go straight through without a pause, if you do, you will get a horrible grinding noise. I confirmed this with a co-worker who has the same model as mine that his behaved the same way. I would say it is a delay of a maddening 0.5 seconds between shifts.

I have a 2002 with a manual transmission. Worst Gearbox Ever.