
I love that polka dot green dress that J-Lo is wearing

My mother was an abusive bitch. Physically, mentally and emotionally.She alienated us kids from other forms of support and pitted us against each other. We were taught from a young age that in order to curry her favour (or to have a break from her vicious beatings)we must always snitch on each other so that she can

I am so sorry you had to go through all that as well. Well meaning parenting or not, it sure has left a lot of scars on my pysche

My dear American friends, Flat White when done properly in New Zealand (and Australia, let's not forget our crass cousins) is absolutely invigorating and delicious to drink. Suffice to say, Starbucks globally makes shitty coffee and they almost always burn the milk or extract shitty, bitter espresso no wonder you

God, I love Robin. I got some mad girl crush on Miss Sparkles it is not funny. She seems to be the BFF I would want to hang out with, smoke some cigars and swill down some scotch!

I had a fucking cunt of a mom who fat shamed me from a pre-schooler to my early twenties. She is Chinese, 5 ft nothing and is like a size zero. I'm 5ft 7, about 135pounds 36FF. In no way am I morbidly obese but rather well stacked on top and have a muscular frame ( I take after my Indian dad who is quite robust). She

Andy Dwyer will always have a warm corner of my heart. Andy Dwyer as Starlord..well it will take a bit of getting used to, but who can turn down his sweet face

Ok I'm gona say it. I love me some chubby Chris Pratt, bring back my chubby Chris Pratt. Having said that, I am really starting to like a toned, cut Starlord!

eeugghh, you missed a spot there sweetheart, with the oompa loompa tan

oh shit, I am doomed!

i know it is a bit weird, but I have really come to like Ke$ha. Girl is an inspiration to me. She does what she wants and flips the finger at her critics and embraces her figure, curves and extras. Although she is now sooo fit! If a girl can transform her ass into a banging set of buns of steel, then so can I!! Girl

I had a hoot reading this article. As a person of mixed asian background (mom is mostly chinese and dad mostly indian tamil), I can relate to what our "aunties" and "uncles" deemed appropriate in who we date and then marry. As a general rule in my mom's chinese household, they view it as a major downgrade if we marry

i really hate these two c**ts!! I really do. There is no way in this vast universe that I can logically explain why they incite such hate in me, but how on earth can these trashbags serve as role models to young girls these days? No wonder society has taken a downwards dive. All they make me wanna do is self mutilate.

ohhh Utkarsh, oh how you hurt my ovaries. Ima eat you up like a caramel cupcake

ok i know this is a bit far fetched, but is it just me or does Mindy Kaling looks a bit like Victoria Beckham? That is...if Victoria gave up the bullimic lifestyle and actually ate something solid, and stop posing her "trademark" pose hunched and only from her left side?

Marrying your boyfriend after 6 mere months of dating...

I am so glad someone started this thread. I have a not so secret ginger fetish. It is a damned shame that they are a dying breed. Tom Hiddleston rocks my world.

oh Tom make me swoon with the thought of you. You don't know this yet, but someday you and me are gonna make babies together

There's something really really weird going on with her hairline. It's like shes got selective hirsutism mainly on her head, or a hair transplant overdose. This pic gives her the illusion of a very narrow forehead. Is it just me?