...Hey, Farva, what's the name of that website you like to spend money on with the goofy product concepts and the flashy videos?
...Hey, Farva, what's the name of that website you like to spend money on with the goofy product concepts and the flashy videos?
They should have taken a page out of xkcd and made a kickstarter to raise money to do a better kickstarter video for their book on how to do a kickstarter kickstarter
If Celebrity Deathmatch was his big claim to fame, he probably has less money than you're assuming. That was ten+ years ago, didnt last very long, didnt get great ratings, and stop motion animation is expensive as shit.
Thats kickstarter. Risk.
101 apps counting stock android apps that came with my S3. All of them free except for 2 Zombies, Run! apps. I've probably uninstalled an additional... 50 over time. Free App of the Days tend to disappoint.
They have to call it Four because otherwise that PS9 commercial for the PS2 won't come true and I will have a sad.
I think he funded it himself mostly. He was just dumb and rich. He also paid for a billboard to advertise the movie... for like six years straight.
Tommy Wiesau shot the movie in both HD and on Film because he couldnt decide which he wanted. Just to waste time and money.
Wow. I know theyre all indie and Valve titles but thats still more than I was expecting for the initial Linux Launch.
But you could just have 3 tab groups in one browser. And unless you need to be on facebook 24 hours a day you could just have that, email, etc as bookmarks in the bookmark toolbar.
It drives me INSANE when I see friends with literally 50+ tabs open. Even 9 is too much for me unless Im researching a topic and one link has led me to multiple links.
We're a regional distributor. Our clients like to pretend that we don't exist to their customers, or else they'd want to buy stuff from us at our prices, but we're a B2B business and don't sell to individuals. So we try to keep a low profile. That's why I don't think they would like me posting a photo of our business…
I would post my company's business card here but I'm not sure if they would like that. They look awesome, though. They're brushed steel with our logo laser cut out.
This is essentially what Lose It does on smartphones, and so far its helped me lose 22 lbs. So yeah. Shit works.
Nightwing and Tim Drake yes, But I wasnt a fan of Cassandra Cain and she hasnt been mentioned at all so I hope shes not part of the continuity.
What kind of Batman am I? After playing City, apparently Im the asshole batman who divebombs people minding their own business and dickpunching them into unconciousness before grapnel boosting away and picking a new target.
Yeah, the only way I could see Universe even being a thing is if Gotham gets the idea of using a Boom Tube to send the inmates to Apokalips.
I loved both. If you didnt care for AA, AC is more of the same with an open world and more villain cameos. The one thing AC did fix was the boss fights. AA was just the same boss fight over and over, whereas AC's bosses are different- with the Mr. Freeze boss being one of my all time favorite boss fights I've ever…
Im actually going to go with the opportunity going over their head than the intentional foregoing.