
You suck.

Anniston Alabama too.

13) Goes great with a beer bong.

That’s what happened in 2011.

This is a great point.

I would be pissed at both.

yeah, they pretty much have to burn him or he will become a white walker. So maybe he’ll emerge out of the fire a brand new Jon Snow.

You just pretty accurately decribed my day to day, at a somewhat smaller scale. Be reasonable with your people and they will be reasonable with you.

They call them Squealers around here.

This is hilarious to me that they don’t let breweries fill growlers but the smokeshop/beer store near where my parents still live in Jacksonville will fill a milk jug from their draft lines.

Solution: drink your whole growler fill that day.

Another reason to never go to a baseball game. Hope she’s OK.

*Everyone figures out that Maryland suburbs are superior.

I would very much like to sample these store brand beers, for the hell of it, but Maryland state law makes that difficult.

Dude sounds insufferable.

Their On the Wings of Armageddon is up there with any of the Whale IPAs i’ve ever had. It helps that you can get day old cans from the brewery.

That’s hilarious that your brewery can’t fill growlers on site but Smokin’ Joes on highway 21 in Jacksonville will fill a literal plastic milk jug from their taps. Beer’s come a long way in my home state but it ain’t there yet.

Today is my 9th wedding anniversary. Everyone is entitled to make their own choices in life. I’m happy with mine. :)

MLSE (Parent company of Toronto FC) is going to identify and ban these idiots from all MLSE Facilities indefinitely (at least a year)

I love a good hoppy barley wine. Without the hops they can be far too malty-sweet for me to enjoy. I don’t know that i’ve ever seen a Barley Wine in a can, I shall search this beer out.