So serious!
So serious!
Find an active clan to join anyway. You’re missing out on 3-4 powerful engrams a week if you are not in a clan.
Find an active clan to join anyway. You’re missing out on 3-4 powerful engrams a week if you are not in a clan. Oops. Meant to reply to the post. Damn kinja mobile.
We got a didn’t read the article dickbag here.
I’m finally going to get to the light house!
I’m going to happily stick to X1. My friends are there. My kids play there on other Xboxes in the house. I’m just not looking forward to hearing how the PC version is just so much fucking better for the next three years.
Hard pass.
Fuck you. I wish you would root for someone else.
Yeah I’ve owned my home for two years now and have put down about $8,000 removing these gigantic white pines from either side of my house. Worth it in the long run.
Not sure why you’re rating Zelalem so high at this point other than “he signed for Arsenal so he must be good.” the US played better after he came off. Zelalem hardly gets minutes in the Dutch second division these days.
I don’t even like basketball but I still read your write ups. I think you still get credit from me for the crab cakes recipe.
(not) NICE
Hey, thank you.
I wonder how many people of color were on the ad team that came up with this shit?
More stupid argument: Dining 1 on 1 with someone is a date.
That cloak is way better than the friggin warlock meatsuit chest.
What a retirement league.
How is pointing out that Trump is planning on cutting billions from the Coast Guard and then talking about some of the stuff the Coast Guard does “bashing Trump”?