
@blash: As a Republican, I am resolutely against any assertion that legitimate environmental concerns (which really DO have to involve an awful lot of science to be credible) is a purely Democrat stance.

@Franknbeans: Fusion. Nuclear fission was developed by the Manhattan Project in the 1940s.

@DrForbidden: and it'll taste like coconut... and metal.

@Skunky: Yeah, but who needs that stuff anyway?

@Kobun: Ok... you REALLY have to have seen this particular episode to get that referrence. This is an example of a "good" joke vs. a "geek" joke. Good jokes are funny, geek jokes are only funny to other geeks.

And here I am using my legs like a sucker...

@Samo: Oh, no, he was black...

Xbox... SIT! goooood Xbox...

@Mihos: It's good that you're honest with yourself...

now THAT is free con' schwag...

You know what? I'm just gonna put this out there: I fucking HATE lens flare.

Free Xbox slim to audience members?! lucky bastards.

@pixelsnader: I know, right? they're not even digi's...

@jeevesofRKdia thinks he: that robot takes one look at you and says "I... think... you're being sarcastic... but I'm not entirely sure..."

@A.Jaswal: Our corsets cannot contain breasts of that magnitude!

@c_to: a yottabyte should be enough for anyone