This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker
This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker
But Sony is planning an Aunt May movie, that's a sign, right?
I feel like Action Bronson is one pot roast nacho away from starting a show called Fuck, I'm Dead.
At the prices they charge for an iPad with a decent amount of memory plus the inevitable accessories (smart cover at minimum), I'd rather pay the extra hundred or two to get a Surface Pro 3. I've always felt my phone was good enough for "quick browsing through apps and games", and tablets generally didn't add much for…
According to Mama CaptainBromerica, who was there that night, they did it right after intermission and before the orchestra starting playing and were all paying customers. (Since apparently people are saying they snuck in?? Okay, STL. Okay.) She says they were very nice and it was a very moving experience.
Well, that supports what I said on a previous article about it. Aside from the pose being tastelessly pointless for a cover it is just one of the most abysmal examples of comic art since Liefeld.
This is why I'm against fishing. It encourages freeloading Goliath Groupers that are too lazy to get their own Blacktip Sharks.
The Lyin', the Witch, and the Wardrobe
I also read those lyrics as "No, really, some dudes dig this," which... why are we mad about it? Self-acceptance doesn't preclude the desire to have someone else find you attractive.
My son and I saw it last night. He was pretending to be baby dancing Groot all morning. And he wants to see it again tonight. I basically won at Mom for few weeks.
That's funny, so if Transformers: Age of Extinction is self mutilation to your soul, then I find it appropriate that you would say this movie can give you back that part that has been abused.
Guardians of the Galaxy isn't just one of the year's best movies. It's also a really interesting experiment with…
I'd be sad, too. History, recent or otherwise, hasn't shown Washington to be very hospitable to Indians.
Yes, Justice League should be a full-on Mummy reunion. Arnold Voslooo can be Brainiac, and Brendan Frasier can operate the boom mic.
I don't even swing that way and I nearly passed out looking up the image.)
if Johnson can adequately convey the childish personality of Shazam
that's some pretty terrible hulkface
8) I hope Stark didn't get gamorrhea from the encounter...