"They're better people than us," says Brian Kilmeade. So are things growing on the underside of bridges.
The screen never shattered on our matter how many times we dropped that phone.
Hate on Beyonce all you want but her work ethic and the way she handles her brand and PR is something to be admired by all.
This is also the sense I get.
If that is sex then I have fucked a lot more people than I thought.
*peers at Bulldogz*
Beyonce has been doing this version of the song for years.
I dunno. This "Thor" was pretty good. =D
If you were interested in being fair, you'd have included the clarification Kelly gave when they came back from commercial—that he was simply impressed by her breasts, and that he planned to masturbate once the segment was over. A perfectly innocent explanation.
Pat actually apologized to me during commercial break. He may be outspoken about homosexuality but when confronted with it head on he was very nice. I think next time I'm on TV YourTatoosAreLame can be my stylist. Seems he has more fashion sense than this homosexual. #yourtattoosarefaaaaaaabulouuuuusss
"You like to gamble?"
Finally! Some negative coverage of the UFC by Deadspin!
Some people say the mostly-white actors destroyed "The Last Airbender", but I disagree.
Little Timmy was suspended for 52 weeks. The difference between 5 and 2 is 3.
Just off camera lies the real reason he wasn't trampled. Another, larger elephant whose sole purpose is carrying this guy's testicular tackle box.
Is there a mode that skips putting you in an annoyingly long lobby between matches? For example, as soon as one match ends and a quick post game score shows up, it immediatly loads you into another map? I found that the combination of long lobby wait times, short match times, and only 6 players on the enemy team…
My favorite is tomorrow: Cup of coffee, Nintendo Direct, and screaming at the goddamn lag.
I feel like Hank Hill would characterize the experience somewhat differently.
What is Naruto doing there?