
Is it just me, or is it looking a little more like a Warthog from Halo with every revision?

I had a point to make, but it's just as easily expressed with my favourite out-of-Twitter hashtag...

Damn. I hadn't read the Revan novel yet...and now i'm not sure I want to. I was hoping if Revan showed up in TOR, he'd be some bad-ass raid boss...

It doesn't seem like Eli Schwartz is off to a good start; instead of doing his job and spinning up some positive PR (donating a load of Avenger controllers to Child's Play would be a good start to mend some bridges at PA...), and is just having a whinge about the negative reviews on the controller.

How so? I found a lot of the game (especially Taris) to be a love letter to KOTOR fans. And the entire threat to the galaxy (the Sith Empire) is the great darkness that Revan was trying to protect the galaxy from.

You were the sort of salesperson that bullied weak-willed people into purchases of things/services they didn't need, weren't you.

You were the sort of salesperson that bullied weak-willed people into purchases of things/services they didn't need, weren't you.

The worst queues in the North America list are the Unofficial Australian servers - Swiftsure, Harbinger and Jekk'Jekk Tar. It's frustrating, sure (After 2 hours queueing today, my modem died, and when i pulled out my back up it was back to the end of the queue), but it's something we brought on ourselves.

I think I just expect Nolan North in every game. And to be slightly racist, as an Aussie I have a hard time picking apart certain American accents ;)

"Metal Gear" isn't a genre - sure, the previous games defined a genre, but the only thing a Metal Gear really needs is, well, a Metal Gear; and Raiden slicing up the RAY proved they were definately in there.

Hey guys, it's Nolan North! In a Naughty Dog game! I want a Crash Bandicoot game with Nolan voicing Crash, now.

Actually, his phone reasoning is relevant because of the MASSIVE sales of Infinity Blade I & II. I would classify myself as a hardcore gamer, and IB2 was one of my big games of the holiday season, right up there with Skyrim and Battlefield 3.

My guess is that iPhone is used as a synonym for 'smartphone', as it is in a lot of countries now.

I don't know whether it will actually happen or not, but I like the idea of the next Xbox being a platform rather than a specific console; there is already rumoured Xbox compatibility in Windows 8. The next console could possibly be like Windows Phone; have a predetermined hardware profile (as dictated by Microsoft)

I understand that thanks to JRPGs and recent BioWare games, there are a lot of people out there who don't get the wonder of Skyrim...why I have as much fun searching for berries on a snowy mountainside as delving into a huge dungeon for gold and loot.


Cute, loyal, slobbery and underappreciated?

I still don't see the point of release dates, to be honest. If a store has stock, why shouldn't they sell it?

I feel bad when I have to kill the attack dogs in Call of Duty, but have no qualms gunning down their masters. It's not just games though - I can watch movies like Saw without flinching (except at the acting in the sequels), but a dead pet in a movie is enough to make me tear up/close my eyes.

It contains the Uncharted 3 Special Edition, in a freaking treasure chest that can hold 19 ps3 games. It also comes with a statue of Drake, and a replica of his ring and belt buckle. At AU$200 it's the most expensive special edition I've ever bought, but opening it today convinced me it was with every penny.