
One question ; What charlie mike mean? Or oscar mike? Or any of those sayings that tend to get thrown around in movies and games?

I... don't see much of a difference. At least not where it matters.

I also had a work friend that I used to play various games with, but after getting D3, I realized he was one of "those" gamers. You know, the ones that take them too seriously, and only play to compete and win, rather than having fun.

The old Ikea in Calgary was quite bad. Not so much for the people, but for the layout. Very maze like, and confusing. The new Ikea they had built is in their own bespoke building. It's much nicer, although still a little confusing at times.

I like Ikea, but since ditching the Expedit, they've slipped down on my list of things I'll allow to continue existing.

Agreed. Had I the cash to burn, I'd buy a couple of these.

Did I see 2 player co-op ?!

Soooooooo when is it coming out for PS4 ?

I agree with you, but let us be honest, shall we?
I'm not crying if my car goes 5-60 in 'only' 2.8 seconds.

There's an interesting book called "The High Cost of Free Parking" by Donald Shoup, who's been refered to as the Godfather of modern city planning. I didn't agree with all the points he made, but I still think you (or anyone that owns a car) might enjoy it.

I'm willing to sell all my organs for this car.

...That was dirty

I've had a couple cars shut off on me at speed before (nothing recent), and in those cases, I threw it into Neutral/kicked in the clutch and started up again, went on my merry way. Only once did the car not start up (blown fuel pump relay), but even then I hit the hazards, and coasted to a safe spot.

I agree with you, although the reason I ultimately quit WoW was that I was unable to complete everything in the game.

True, but how much of that is because Canada has things like free(ish) Health Care, and other social programs? I've know several people that have done bad things out of desperation.

But how would you acquire ammunition without a PAL ? If you had a PAL, you could just a buy a gun anyways, and if you know someone who can get you ammo, they could probably just get you a gun too, so the ability to make your own becomes moot.

Ya, something like that I guess. And another disadvantage to growing up with a mother who cooks, I never really learned proper nutrition as a kid, because I just ate whatever my mom made. That was fine when I was younger, wating whatever crap I wanted, but now I'm closing in on 29 and my body doesn't react well to

I grew up eating nothing but home cooked meals everyday. So now that I'm an adult, I actually love the taste of frozen meals or fast food, because I never, ever ate it as a kid. The complete opposite of one of the girls I used to date, who therefore couldn't stomach anything processed or frozen.

Here in Alberta, that's only a real thing on highways. If the road exits on the left, then there's no "fast lane"

Full disclosure, had she NOT sued, I wouldn't even know about 'slope'. However, thanks to her unwelcome meddling, I now have a new racist word to forget :p