
The point was that piracy is a big reason why some companies are hesitant to port over to PC.

The point of the comment was to express why there aren't more PC ports. Piracy.

Dear Sega,


/off topic

Grossly exaggerated example, but yes, more or less.

No it's not, the cost is subsidized by the cell carrier. You pay at most $100 with your plan. If someone wants to subsidize one of these things for $100, I'll buy it right now.

I hadn't even thought of that. I wonder if the technology would be able to adjust for that. Like, input your prescription and it would adjust the focus. Or would that raise other concerns as well? Maybe now you're stepping on the toes of eye doctors, and they won't be able to implement something like that.

Looks cool, but damn $500?

Then you were doing it wrong, or your remote sucked. I did the same tests and in all instances, we were able to add at least 10 feet to the effective range of 3 different remotes/cars.

The light bar will be used to express the theme of the game, emotional "color." For example, players will be able to look at it and see what the emotional color of the dungeon they're exploring is.

Ya, but let's be honest. You're not going to pay $60 for a PC game, like you would for am Xbone or PS4, so that comparison is about right.

I have a friend who found her current bf through eharmony, so she convinced me to give it a shot. Despite asking me how I felt about smokers, and me putting that smoking was a deal breaker, it still matches me up with smokers and says "Maybe you should adjust that preference to meet more people"

You sir have NOT seen enough internet porn. It gets out of hand...

Screw it, nevermind

The Jeep had M2s on the hood, which detonate if a vehicle comes within 3 meters of it. I think that was close enough.

Awesome, much thanks. I'll give that a shot.

I used to know a guy that got a handjob from a girl wearing a particularly pointy ring. Permanently damaged the foreskin of his penis, and now it can't roll back all the way.

With that beard, all I can think of is Duck Dynasty

Thank you for the spoiler alert. Even though I've played through many times, it's still one of those 'must plays' for people who haven't