This is scanned 360, then PBR over it, some bones to drive all the things together, mesh up skin and done! :) gg! :) nice way to test occulus :) we now need a VDick gadget thi(o)ng
This is scanned 360, then PBR over it, some bones to drive all the things together, mesh up skin and done! :) gg! :) nice way to test occulus :) we now need a VDick gadget thi(o)ng
Nobody saw this?
LOL ure joikng right?
i understand you, have the same... :)
Three Words: TGV
What I see as a BIG PROBLEM HERE, is using cloud for AI/World calculations, what happens when 25,000 ppl gets the same game, goes online, makes check starts game. What hapens on every XBONX ONE game? Diablo 3 launch? Sim city launch?
>TOP GAME played like eternity!
Gosh! Annie was ther also, what a small world :) Respect The Gamers!
Put Headbob OFF in game settings. Should help you! Good luck!
what do you know about socialism? have you ever lived in it?
You are forcing this cosplay thing a bit TOO MUCH Kotaku! BAD!!
I usually help other players when in chopper. We play as 2 guys moving and helping people around. Giving ammo, guns, cars, blood.... We dont shoot unless we are shoot at. But that hardly, cos everybody wants to fly somewhere North. We do pickup fresh spawns and bring them back to their bodies.... I like helping…