Hey! Remember when game demos would be like a separate little slice of the game and would sometimes have drastic differences from the end-product? These timed demos are the developer/publisher shifting the burden of the demo onto consumers by offering the entire game for a limited amount of time. Stop being lazy…
Honestly, it goes both ways in this case, I remember running into this on my playthrough in which I was playing a female V who is interested in ladies. I ended up accidentally picking the male character because I couldn’t recall who was who, which really sucked because it was not the choice the character I was playing…
Honestly, the fact that they haven’t probably points to a remake or remaster on the PS5 in the near future. At least that’s my hope. People were saying that the Demon’s Souls remake was Bluepoint’s audition for tackling more From Soft remakes, but that’s probably just rumor.
Honestly, people are reporting that the dualsense will have/has about 3-4 more hours of battery life than the Dualshock 4 controller. I wonder if they’re comparing gameplay to gameplay because I could see the controller optimizing power usage differently for gameplay versus say, streaming TV or movies.
Man, if you have a PS4, you even have a cursory interest in the Souls games, and you DON’T own this game, please part with the 20 dollars, it’s incredibly worth it.
The real question would be if they are using the original Stuart Chatwood composed combat soundtrack. The fusion of heavy electric guitar and bass with middle eastern-style vocals and instrumentals was fucking awesome.
“But the climax, set in a Boston hospital...”
This trailer is regrettable. Makes it seem like an edgy mass market experience. While the game is dark and makes the player confront some pretty uncomfortable choices, it always maintains a very somber tone. The in-game score is beyond beautiful and would have served way better than that not-johnny-cash song.
Like with any artist there are ups and downs in his work for sure. Although you cannot deny that he has a very real talent for writing dialog and setting tension in a scene. I cite the opening scene of Inglorious Basterds as a masterclass in scene tension and dialog. Every single frame is dedicated to building and…
How in the world is the dough cooked through at all? Adding that much cheese would keep the dough under the cheese from getting as much heat, resulting in a gooey mess.
I don’t know. I know different things trigger different people but shouldn’t media be a reflection of our world so that these types of things can be talked about and digested in a common medium so that society can reflect and grow rather than burying them as if they didn’t exist? Granted, an erroneous inclusion on a…
Dear god, this game is good. The soundtrack alone is a mastercraft. Enjoy console people!
I’ll add this. The good people of From Software and Activision worked tirelessly to craft a gameplay experience that millions of people have loved and will continue to love. In their wisdom, and their combined knowledge of the game, they felt that they wanted to maintain the difficulty as a core pillar of the game…
I think the thing that you’re missing is that the juice in From Soft games comes from the player learning from their mistakes and overcoming tremendous adversity. Sure, they could add an easy mode that basically halves all of the bosses health and doubles the player character’s health such that the player’s mistakes…
Anybody have any idea how to snag a copy of Chronicles of Riddick for PC? It’s apparently been off steam and gog for a few years now.
I have relevant perspective on this! I have an auto-immune disorder called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, basically it’s a disease that makes my immune system target my thyroid gland, it’s pretty much impossible to detect until you start getting symptoms of hypothyroidism which include decreased intestinal permeability and…