I played on a PS4 Pro last night and there were some choppy performance issues I had. I was a little disappointed.
I played on a PS4 Pro last night and there were some choppy performance issues I had. I was a little disappointed.
So, this might be widely known but if you want to scratch that Commandos itch, there’s a recent game called Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. It’s pretty much exactly Commandos gameplay set in Feudal Japan, with Ninja, Samurai, Geisha, Old cripple guys with matchlocks, and ruthless 14 year old girls who stab…
Ummm.... I've been able to do this since I bought my PS4 a year ago. Am I missing something? I've always been able to press the PS button and go back to the "dashboard" and run, say, netflix and swap between the two almost instantly.
I ran into two show-stopping bugs while playing Far Cry 2. The first one could have been avoided if I had kept multiple save files but still shows a fundamental flaw in the design of the save system:
Just makes me sad that Red Dead Redemption isn't available on PC. I'd like to retire my 360, cause that is literally the only game that I am holding onto the 360 for.
I actually prefer saying new-gen while the "last" gen is still alive and kicking. For some people, the current gen is Xbox 360 and PS3 and they won't upgrade until games stop coming out for them. Saying "Current" or "Next" gen for either one seems wrong.
The Xbox One lets you suspend your games. The Xbox One doesn't have a Remote Play option nor, nor a Share Play mode (no reason why they couldn't eventually get the latter), but it does have an excellent game suspend mode. Console gamers have been accustomed to having to load a video game before they start it, but the…
Most recently: The climbing in the Ass Creed series. While it blew my mind when I first played it, it always nagged at the back of my mind that the protagonist never fatigues at all while climbing impossible structures. No matter how long you do it for. This also goes for sprinting through town.
I don't know, I always just envisioned that the Alien would just kill anything that moved except its own kind. Ruthless, unclouded by delusions of morality and all that. Plus it would have made a few of the android-heavy sections of the game a bit easier.
The whole problem revolves around the "creative" decision to NOT allow players to DECIDE whether they want to permanently kill an orc. Captains and warchiefs CANNOT be killed permanently by domination > kill (Their heads don't explode the way underlings do.).
The problem with doing that is that once the Xeno wipes out the humans, you have a very pissed off Alien fresh off the kill prowling the area. Typically the alien is content to chill in the vents until it hears a commotion. It's better to sneak by the humans without alerting them at all. Then you don't have to deal…
I would like to contest #6. Light sources are both your greatest ally and your greatest enemy. All a light source does illuminate the Xeno's meal.
Nothing on Sevastopol is clean or in good condition.
This isn't a post about Alien art. This is a post of concept art from a game which is set in the same universe as Alien. There's a distinction.
It is indeed weird.
The closest I've gotten to a glitch so far was I was in a room with one entrance. I was hiding under a desk with a view of the door. The Xeno kept walking back and forth in front of the door. Paced for about 2 full minutes. Long enough for it to appear like the Xeno was stuck in a loop. Finally, the Xeno moved on so…
It was pretty much the only time in the game that I killed other humans, but it was easier to do that than try to get around them stealthily. Once the humans aren't in that big room anymore, it becomes a lot easier to get the device, find the data cell for it (check your map), and continue on.
I love those little scripted lines that get uttered in the right context!! The little details...
I'm gonna be honest: I see no difference.