
Getting used to lag in my controls in a service i pay for is a DEAL BREAKER. Only a fool would accept that, wake the fack up

Dumb gook

Sony is going down the shitter, one day atta time. Good thing microsoft has oodles of money. Bye bye sony lol

And if it can look better on computer it wont. Cause all the amazing gmes dont go to pc cause of the bloody goddamn thieves!

Your a fucking loser! Obviously not a real gamer but a whiny homosexual sony fagboy! If i knew where you lived , id have killed you by now and fucked your moms rotten asshole

Typical kids nowadays. That little "bastard" shouldve been beaten more as a child. Hell, all kids nowadays need their faces re arranged. Disrespectful little fat bastards this generation. Im talking to u FATBOY! Ill live longer than this generation anyways, their eating themselves to death. Fat fucks

ya but any real gamer knows ROCKSTAR only puts out the best of the best

just thought RDR was a masterpiece and felt more than 10 million peeps tried it. But then again there was rentals back then. Ku Ku cachoo

I agree,

I don't know why you even bothered sending him links. Hes obviously just a shit talker whose done nothing in terms of accomplishments. just knocks other peoples. wow hes depressing, I feel sorry for his family. they must hate to be around him

wow RDR only sold 10 million eh. I loved that game. And definitely 30 million sold on gta5 guaranteed! at least lol

GTA4 made $314 000 000 on opening day in 2008, they will have no problem meeting that and surpassing that, im betting 500 000 000 first day sales alone!!! Quote me Please

Amazing list well thought out!

Lololol olLololol ol

Ya really, now it's infected with jittery gooks and fat pukes playing 24 hours a day. If it was the real arcade days and they cheaped me they way they do online, theyd be walking home with sore heads. Fucking GOOKS

Ya really, now it's infected with jittery gooks and fat pukes playing 24 hours a day. If it was the real arcade days and they cheaped me they way they do online, theyd be walking home with sore heads. Fucking GOOKS

Ya really, now it's infected with jittery gooks and fat pukes playing 24 hours a day. If it was the real arcade days and they cheaped me they way they do online, theyd be walking home with sore heads. Fucking GOOKS

Thanks boss i appreciate the encouragement ! Lol

Stfu! I'm sick of bag lickers like u kissing the ass of someone you don't even know. I bet your the biggest baglicker at your work. And if you worked with me,I'd of already killed you and stuffed u in a garbage can! With the rest of your fellow scum

Ya those fkn gooks are border line diddlers! Everywhere u go in Japan is pornography! They're all sick and perverted molesters! Fucking gooks, a good gook is a dead gook, Nuff said