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Don't know about the worst, but i can give you the best car commercial song.

Cuz the Cherokee is fucking awesome

I'm totally with you—this has been going on for far too long. I noticed in one of their car reviews that they mentioned driving under "clear blue skies." I closed the window in a flash and huffed for a good five to ten minutes. I come here for the car reviews, not for amateur meteorology, slipshod physics (I mean,

Wont be two minutes darling -see you 13 miles away !

With guys like General Curtis LeMay in charge of the Air Force (he of the "let's-bomb-the-Soviets-back-to-the-Stone-Age" attitude) it's highly unlikely that any exchange of nuclear weapons by the Americans the USSR would have been limited to tactical weapons only. As the line between tactical and strategic weapons

Yeah it's basically Eleanor with a front end resembling a late model Roadrunner. Makes me think of those unlicensed cars you get in a game like GTA.

"Entering cheat codes disables Achievements and Trophies only for the current play session."

Answer for the pending question.

Maybe they can hack into Gizmodo and lock out any further webpage layout changes every 3 months or so.... ‡)

They will never figure it out if we keep cutting their budget. The ability to mine asteroids, or farm helium-3 are very advantageous. Not to mention the boons that would occur in the areas of energy, medicine, and electronics as we figure out how to get to and permanently colonize a planet. Possibly even terraforming

Your comment shows your lack of vision. Colonizing planets, discovering new elements or forms of fusion from adjacent stars, expanding our knowledge of the universe and becoming (for all we know anyways) the first galactic settlers. Yes, these are all worth while pursuits that will have profound impacts on our lives

G-Shock for life!

I've actually never seen one in my whole life. I didn't even know they existed until you posted this xD

As great as I'm sure that car is, I do not envy your repair or parts bills.


Half Life 2.

Honorable mention?

Reminds me of this. Windows 95, baby!

We may live in a world of unprecedented tolerance and acceptance, but it seems that the Gay Community, particularly Queers 4 Gears, will never, ever accept different transmissions.

The bagel holds its form the best, I'll grant, but the biscuit accentuates the cheese and egg so much better. Bacon, egg, and cheese on a biscuit, large (but never large enough) orange juice.

It gets worse when you look at the executive profiles of the new Infinity Racing team. Principals Mac Larren and Reed Bull will be overseeing the new venture.