
Surprised and Not Surprised about Wyoming. I dated a girl there when I was in college. Pretty cheap to live and all that goodness but you forget the vast plains. "Hey you want to go to my friends house?" she would ask. "Why, sure." I would reply "let's just hop in the car and head on over!" Forty-seven hours later on

The largest factor in the debt increase under the Obama administration is directly related to the fall in government revenues due to a recession that, correct me if I am wrong, is widely accepted to be a Bush administration cluster of policy failures. It's one thing to read numbers on whatever website you wish,

Asymmetrical hood vent? I may currently have an erection due to that detail alone though.

I've had his autobiography sitting on my bookshelf for about two months and haven't gotten around to it...I should really work on that.

Wasn't the XLR one of the very first production cars to utilize a magnetorheological shock(spring dampener) system too?

But brawndo has what plants electrolytes...

I Passed!

If you're a mathematician. If you're an accountant 1 + 1 on average = 2 +/- 10%. If you're an economist 1 + 1 = whatever the hell your employer wants it to equal....

I'm just a few pounds heavier then you and I never got picked on... I do consider myself a fierce little bastard though.

Happened to me when I was riding in a 68' MG midget on my way to highschool in 2003. Thankyou, Henry.

Well, Let me just say that I do believe everyone in the U.S. is doing better, I will concede some income levels more then others. I will justify my statement only by saying that the U.S. has created something like 7.2 million jobs since its recession. Initially with the creation of jobs we saw falling unemployment

My horn..push...sensor hoodicky was actually behind the steering wheel center cushion, had there been buttons I imagine I would have pressed them.

Yeah but you can't accidently peel off the airbag cover out of boredom now...

I hated the fact that I could never get the damn horn to work unless I tried breaking my hand on that damn thing.

68% I am AWESOME.

Steel Battalion for OG Xbox. If you played it on the Normal difficulty setting and didn't eject in-time in the event of a catastrophic mech explosion it would wipe your saved games. Hurt so bad.

I went to highschool and college with a guy that used to rally with a couple Fox bodies. One was even that 4 cylinder turbo versions. Now granted he has had quite a few different cars though, including your Subaru's and Audi's. Last I checked he had an E46 M3.

And there are even others bears driving cars because it's a simulator game. Of course there have to be other bears driving in a bear driving sim!

Damnit, just realized I had the wrong song...